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A pure Gleam implementation of Google Protobuf.


  1. only support proto3

  2. only support enum, message, repeated

  3. each message must have an annotation before it start

    // @gleam record is mean a embedded struct (record)

    // @gleam msgid = 1 is mean a api, msgid is a big-end 2 bytes number (max is 65535)

  4. when you generated the game.gleam, the game.encode(msg) or game.decode(binary) all Assuming that the msgid is packaged in the head of binary (This will help with communication between the client and server)

  5. see game.proto


  1. use acrostic.gen gen gleam file (eg: src/game.gleam) from proto files
gleam add acrostic
import acrostic

pub fn main() {
  acrostic.gen(["game.proto"], to: "src/game.gleam", flags: acrostic.Flags(False, False))
  1. test encode/decode
import game

let binary = game.encode(
      hello: "hi",
      world: 1.0,
      item: game.Item(id:1, num:1),
      pet: game.Cat,
      nums: []

let assert Ok(test_msg) = game.decode(binary)

Further documentation can be found at


gleam test  # Run the tests
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