View Source Aja (Aja v0.6.5)

Convenience macros to work with Aja's data structures.

Use import Aja to import everything, or import only the macros you need.



Convenience operator to concatenate an enumerable right to a vector left.

Convenience macro to create or pattern match on Aja.OrdMaps.

Returns the size of an ord_map.

Convenience macro to create or pattern match on Aja.Vectors.

Returns the size of a vector.


Convenience operator to concatenate an enumerable right to a vector left.

left has to be an Aja.Vector, right can be any Enumerable.

It is just an alias for Aja.Vector.concat/2.

Only available on Elixir versions >= 1.11.


iex> import Aja
iex> vec(5..1) +++ vec([:boom, nil])
vec([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, :boom, nil])
iex> vec(5..1) +++ 0..3
vec([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3])

Convenience macro to create or pattern match on Aja.OrdMaps.

Use import Aja to use it, or import Aja, only: [ord: 1].

Creation examples

iex> ord(%{"一" => 1, "二" => 2, "三" => 3})
ord(%{"一" => 1, "二" => 2, "三" => 3})
iex> ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})

Pattern matching examples

iex> ord(%{b: bat}) = ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"}); bat

Replace existing keys examples

iex> ordered = ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
iex> ord(%{ordered | b: "Buffalo"})
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", c: "Cat"})
iex> ord(%{ordered | z: "Zebra"})
** (KeyError) key :z not found in: ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
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Returns the size of an ord_map.

It is implemented as a macro so that it can be used in guards.

When used outside of a guard, it will just be replaced by a call to Aja.OrdMap.size/1.

When used in guards, it will fail if called on something else than an Aja.OrdMap. It is recommended to verify the type first.

Runs in constant time.


iex> import Aja
iex> ord_map = 1, b: 2, c: 3)
iex> match?(v when ord_size(v) > 5, ord_map)
iex> match?(v when ord_size(v) < 5, ord_map)
iex> ord_size(ord_map)
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sigil_i(term, modifiers)

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This macro is deprecated. Use the :ion library instead (

Convenience macro to create or pattern match on Aja.Vectors.


iex> import Aja
iex> vec([1, 2, 3])
vec([1, 2, 3])
iex> vec(first ||| last) =; {first, last}
{0, 99999}
iex> vec([1, 2, var, _, _, _]) =; var
iex> vec([_, _, _]) =
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: vec([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

It also supports ranges with constant values:

iex> vec(0..4) =
vec([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

Variable lists or dynamic ranges cannot be passed:

vec(my_list)  # invalid
vec(1..n)  # invalid


The vec/1 macro generates the AST at compile time instead of building the vector at runtime. This can speedup the instanciation of vectors of known size.

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Returns the size of a vector.

It is implemented as a macro so that it can be used in guards.

When used outside of a guard, it will just be replaced by a call to Aja.Vector.size/1.

When used in guards, it will fail if called on something else than an Aja.Vector. It is recommended to verify the type first.

Runs in constant time.


iex> import Aja
iex> match?(v when vec_size(v) > 20,
iex> match?(v when vec_size(v) < 5,[1, 2, 3]))
iex> vec_size([1, 2, 3]))