View Source Aja.OrdMap (Aja v0.6.5)

A map preserving key insertion order, with efficient lookups, updates and enumeration.

It works like regular maps, except that the insertion order is preserved:

iex> %{"one" => 1, "two" => 2, "three" => 3}
%{"one" => 1, "three" => 3, "two" => 2}
iex>[{"one", 1}, {"two", 2}, {"three", 3}])
ord(%{"one" => 1, "two" => 2, "three" => 3})

There is an unavoidable overhead compared to natively implemented maps, so keep using regular maps when you do not care about the insertion order.



Aja.OrdMap offers the same API as Map :

iex> ord_map =[b: "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat"])
ord(%{b: "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.get(ord_map, :c)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.fetch(ord_map, :a)
{:ok, "Ant"}
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put(ord_map, :d, "Dinosaur")
ord(%{b: "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat", d: "Dinosaur"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put(ord_map, :b, "Buffalo")
ord(%{b: "Buffalo", a: "Ant", c: "Cat"})
iex> Enum.to_list(ord_map)
[b: "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat"]
iex> [d: "Dinosaur", b: "Buffalo", e: "Eel"] |> Enum.into(ord_map)
ord(%{b: "Buffalo", a: "Ant", c: "Cat", d: "Dinosaur", e: "Eel"})

Specific functions

Due to its ordered nature, Aja.OrdMap also offers some extra methods not present in Map, like:

  • first/1 and last/1 to efficiently retrieve the first / last key-value pair
  • foldl/3 and foldr/3 to efficiently fold (reduce) from left-to-right or right-to-left


iex> ord_map = "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.first(ord_map)
{:b, "Bat"}
iex> Aja.OrdMap.last(ord_map)
{:c, "Cat"}
iex> Aja.OrdMap.foldr(ord_map, [], fn {_key, value}, acc -> [value <> "man" | acc] end)
["Batman", "Antman", "Catman"]

Access behaviour

Aja.OrdMap implements the Access behaviour.

iex> ord_map =[a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"])
iex> ord_map[:a]
iex> put_in(ord_map[:b], "Buffalo")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", c: "Cat"})
iex> put_in(ord_map[:d], "Dinosaur")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat", d: "Dinosaur"})
iex> {"Cat", updated} = pop_in(ord_map[:c]); updated
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat"})

Convenience ord/1 and ord_size/1 macros

The Aja.OrdMap module can be used without any macro.

The Aja.ord/1 macro does however provide some syntactic sugar to make it more convenient to work with ordered maps, namely:

  • construct new ordered maps without the clutter of a entry list
  • pattern match on key-values like regular maps
  • update some existing keys


iex> import Aja
iex> ord_map = ord(%{"一" => 1, "二" => 2, "三" => 3})
ord(%{"一" => 1, "二" => 2, "三" => 3})
iex> ord(%{"三" => three, "一" => one}) = ord_map
iex> {one, three}
{1, 3}
iex> ord(%{ord_map | "二" => "NI!"})
ord(%{"一" => 1, "二" => "NI!", "三" => 3})


  • pattern-matching on keys is not affected by insertion order.
  • For expressions with constant keys, Aja.ord/1 is able to generate the AST at compile time like the Aja.vec/1 macro.

The Aja.ord_size/1 macro can be used in guards:

iex> import Aja
iex> match?(v when ord_size(v) > 2, ord%{"一" => 1, "二" => 2, "三" => 3})

With Jason

iex>[{"un", 1}, {"deux", 2}, {"trois", 3}]) |> Jason.encode!()

JSON encoding preserves the insertion order. Comparing with a regular map:

iex>[{"un", 1}, {"deux", 2}, {"trois", 3}]) |> Jason.encode!()

There is no way as of now to decode JSON using Aja.OrdMap.

Key deletion and sparse maps

Due to the underlying structures being used, efficient key deletion implies keeping around some "holes" to avoid rebuilding the whole structure.

Such an ord map will be called sparse, while an ord map that never had a key deleted will be referred as dense.

The implications of sparse structures are multiple:

  • unlike dense structures, they cannot be compared as erlang terms (using either ==/2, ===/2 or the pin operator ^)
  • Aja.OrdMap.equal?/2 can safely compare both sparse and dense structures, but is slower for sparse
  • enumerating sparse structures is less efficient than dense ones

Calling on a sparse ord map will rebuild a new dense one from scratch (which can be expensive).

iex> dense = "Ant", b: "Bat")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat"})
iex> sparse = "Cat", a: "Ant", b: "Bat") |> Aja.OrdMap.delete(:c)
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> dense == sparse
iex> match?(^dense, sparse)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.equal?(dense, sparse)  # works with sparse maps, but less efficient
iex> new_dense =  # rebuild a dense map from a sparse one
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat"})
iex> new_dense === dense

In order to avoid having to worry about memory issues when adding and deleting keys successively, ord maps cannot be more than half sparse, and are periodically rebuilt as dense upon deletion.

iex> sparse = "Cat", a: "Ant", b: "Bat") |> Aja.OrdMap.delete(:c)
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> Aja.OrdMap.delete(sparse, :a)
ord(%{b: "Bat"})

Note: Deleting the last key does not make a dense ord map sparse. This is not a bug, but an expected behavior due to how data is stored.

iex>[one: 1, two: 2, three: 3]) |> Aja.OrdMap.delete(:three)
ord(%{one: 1, two: 2})

The dense?/1 and sparse?/1 functions can be used to check if a Aja.OrdMap is dense or sparse.

While this design puts some burden on the developer, the idea behind it is:

  • to keep it as convenient and performant as possible unless deletion is necessary
  • to be transparent about sparse structures and their limitation
  • instead of constantly rebuild new dense structures, let users decide the best timing to do it
  • still work fine with sparse structures, but in a degraded mode
  • protect users about potential memory leaks and performance issues

Pattern-matching and opaque type

An Aja.OrdMap is represented internally using the %Aja.OrdMap{} struct. This struct can be used whenever there's a need to pattern match on something being an Aja.OrdMap:

iex> match?(%Aja.OrdMap{},

Note, however, that Aja.OrdMap should be considered an opaque type: its struct internal fields must not be accessed directly (even if not enforced by dialyzer because of pattern-matching).

As discussed in the previous section, ord/1 and ord_size/1 makes it possible to pattern match on keys as well as check the type and size.

Memory overhead

Aja.OrdMap takes roughly 2~3x more memory than a regular map depending on the type of data. :erts_debug.size(map) can be used to confirm the overhead on a concrete use case.




The type of an Aja.OrdMap with keys of the type key and values of the type value.


Deletes the entry in ord_map for a specific key.

Returns true if ord_map is dense; otherwise returns false.

Drops the given keys from ord_map.

Checks if two ordered maps are equal, meaning they have the same key-value pairs in the same order.

Fetches the value for a specific key and returns it in a ok-entry. If the key does not exist, returns :error.

Fetches the value for a specific key in the given ord_map, erroring out if ord_map doesn't contain key.

Returns a new ordered map containing only those pairs from ord_map for which fun returns a truthy value.

Finds the fist {key, value} pair in ord_map.

Folds (reduces) the given ord_map from the left with the function fun. Requires an accumulator acc.

Folds (reduces) the given ord_map from the right with the function fun. Requires an accumulator acc.

Builds an ordered map from the given keys list and the fixed value.

Converts a struct to an ordered map.

Gets the value for a specific key in ord_map.

Gets the value from key and updates it, all in one pass.

Gets the value from key and updates it, all in one pass.

Gets the value for a specific key in ord_map.

Returns whether the given key exists in ord_map.

Returns all keys from ord_map.

Finds the last {key, value} pair in ord_map.

Merges a map or an ordered map into an ord_map.

Returns a new empty ordered map.

Creates an ordered map from an enumerable.

Creates an ordered map from an enumerable via the given transform function.

Returns the value for key and the updated ordered map without key.

Returns the value for key and the updated ordered map without key.

Lazily returns and removes the value associated with key in ord_map.

Puts the given value under key in ord_map.

Puts the given value under key unless the entry key already exists in ord_map.

Evaluates fun and puts the result under key in ord_map unless key is already present.

Returns a new ordered map excluding the pairs from ord_map for which fun returns a truthy value. Preserves the order of ord_map.

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.

Returns the number of keys in ord_map.

Returns true if ord_map is sparse; otherwise returns false.

Returns a new ordered map with all the key-value pairs in ord_map where the key is in keys.

Returns all key-values pairs from ord_map as a list.

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.

Returns all values from ord_map.


@type key() :: term()
@type t() :: t(key(), value())
@type t(key, value) :: internals(key, value)

The type of an Aja.OrdMap with keys of the type key and values of the type value.

It should be considered opaque even though it isn't enforced by dialyzer to enable pattern-matching.

@type value() :: term()


@spec delete(t(k, v), k) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Deletes the entry in ord_map for a specific key.

If the key does not exist, returns ord_map unchanged.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.delete(ord_map, :b)
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> Aja.OrdMap.delete(ord_map, :z)
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})

Returns true if ord_map is dense; otherwise returns false.

See the section about sparse structures for more information.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.dense?(ord_map)
iex> sparse = Aja.OrdMap.delete(ord_map, :b)
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> Aja.OrdMap.dense?(sparse)
@spec drop(t(k, v), [k]) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Drops the given keys from ord_map.

If keys contains keys that are not in ord_map, they're simply ignored.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.drop(ord_map, [:b, :d])
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
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equal?(ord_map1, ord_map2)

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@spec equal?(t(), t()) :: boolean()

Checks if two ordered maps are equal, meaning they have the same key-value pairs in the same order.


iex> Aja.OrdMap.equal?( 1, b: 2), 1, b: 2))
iex> Aja.OrdMap.equal?( 1, b: 2), 2, a: 1))
iex> Aja.OrdMap.equal?( 1, b: 2), 3, b: 2))
@spec fetch(t(k, v), k) :: {:ok, v} | :error when k: key(), v: value()

Fetches the value for a specific key and returns it in a ok-entry. If the key does not exist, returns :error.


iex> ord_map = "A", b: "B", c: "C")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.fetch(ord_map, :c)
{:ok, "C"}
iex> Aja.OrdMap.fetch(ord_map, :z)
@spec fetch!(t(k, v), k) :: v when k: key(), v: value()

Fetches the value for a specific key in the given ord_map, erroring out if ord_map doesn't contain key.

If ord_map doesn't contain key, a KeyError exception is raised.


iex> ord_map = "A", b: "B", c: "C")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.fetch!(ord_map, :c)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.fetch!(ord_map, :z)
** (KeyError) key :z not found in: ord(%{a: "A", b: "B", c: "C"})
@spec filter(t(k, v), ({k, v} -> as_boolean(term()))) :: t(k, v)
when k: key(), v: value()

Returns a new ordered map containing only those pairs from ord_map for which fun returns a truthy value.

fun receives the key and value of each of the elements in ord_map as a key-value pair. Preserves the order of ord_map.

Mirrors Map.filter/2. See also reject/2 which discards all elements where the function returns a truthy value.


iex> ord_map =[three: 3, two: 2, one: 1, zero: 0])
iex> Aja.OrdMap.filter(ord_map, fn {_key, val} -> rem(val, 2) == 1 end)
ord(%{three: 3, one: 1})
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first(ord_map, default \\ nil)

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@spec first(t(k, v), default) :: {k, v} | default
when k: key(), v: value(), default: term()

Finds the fist {key, value} pair in ord_map.

Returns a {key, value} entry if ord_map is non-empty, or nil else.


iex>[b: "B", d: "D", a: "A", c: "C"]) |> Aja.OrdMap.first()
{:b, "B"}
iex>[]) |> Aja.OrdMap.first()
iex>[]) |> Aja.OrdMap.first(:error)
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foldl(ord_map, acc, fun)

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@spec foldl(t(k, v), acc, ({k, v}, acc -> acc)) :: acc
when k: key(), v: value(), acc: term()

Folds (reduces) the given ord_map from the left with the function fun. Requires an accumulator acc.


iex> ord_map =[b: "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant"])
iex> Aja.OrdMap.foldl(ord_map, "", fn {_key, value}, acc -> value <> acc end)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.foldl(ord_map, [], fn {key, value}, acc -> [{key, value <> "man"} | acc] end)
[a: "Antman", c: "Catman", b: "Batman"]
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foldr(ord_map, acc, fun)

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@spec foldr(t(k, v), acc, ({k, v}, acc -> acc)) :: acc
when k: key(), v: value(), acc: term()

Folds (reduces) the given ord_map from the right with the function fun. Requires an accumulator acc.

Unlike linked lists, this is as efficient as foldl/3. This can typically save a call to Enum.reverse/1 on the result when building a list.


iex> ord_map =[b: "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant"])
iex> Aja.OrdMap.foldr(ord_map, "", fn {_key, value}, acc -> value <> acc end)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.foldr(ord_map, [], fn {key, value}, acc -> [{key, value <> "man"} | acc] end)
[b: "Batman", c: "Catman", a: "Antman"]
@spec from_keys([k], v) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Builds an ordered map from the given keys list and the fixed value.

Preserves the order of keys.


iex> Aja.OrdMap.from_keys([:c, :a, :d, :b], 0)
ord(%{c: 0, a: 0, d: 0, b: 0})
@spec from_struct(module() | struct()) :: t()

Converts a struct to an ordered map.

It accepts the struct module or a struct itself and simply removes the __struct__ field from the given struct or from a new struct generated from the given module.

Respects the field order in Elixir >= 1.14.


defmodule User do
  defstruct [:name, :age]

ord(%{name: nil, age: nil})

Aja.OrdMap.from_struct(%User{name: "john", age: 44})
ord(%{name: "john", age: 44})
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get(ord_map, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get(t(k, v), k, v) :: v | nil when k: key(), v: value()

Gets the value for a specific key in ord_map.

If key is present in ord_map then its value value is returned. Otherwise, default is returned.

If default is not provided, nil is used.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.get(ord_map, :a)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.get(ord_map, :z)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.get(ord_map, :z, "Zebra")
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get_and_update(ord_map, key, fun)

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@spec get_and_update(t(k, v), k, (v -> {returned, v} | :pop)) :: {returned, t(k, v)}
when k: key(), v: value(), returned: term()

Gets the value from key and updates it, all in one pass.

Mirrors Map.get_and_update/3, see its documentation.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> {"bat", updated} = Aja.OrdMap.get_and_update(ord_map, :b, fn current_value ->
...>   {current_value && String.downcase(current_value), "Buffalo"}
...> end)
iex> updated
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", c: "Cat"})
iex> {nil, updated} = Aja.OrdMap.get_and_update(ord_map, :z, fn current_value ->
...>   {current_value && String.downcase(current_value), "Zebra"}
...> end)
iex> updated
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat", z: "Zebra"})
iex> {"Bat", updated} = Aja.OrdMap.get_and_update(ord_map, :b, fn _ -> :pop end)
iex> updated
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> {nil, updated} = Aja.OrdMap.get_and_update(ord_map, :z, fn _ -> :pop end)
iex> updated
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
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get_and_update!(ord_map, key, fun)

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@spec get_and_update!(t(k, v), k, (v -> {returned, v} | :pop)) :: {returned, t(k, v)}
when k: key(), v: value(), returned: term()

Gets the value from key and updates it, all in one pass.

Mirrors Map.get_and_update!/3, see its documentation.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> {"bat", updated} = Aja.OrdMap.get_and_update!(ord_map, :b, fn current_value ->
...>   {current_value && String.downcase(current_value), "Buffalo"}
...> end)
iex> updated
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.get_and_update!(ord_map, :z, fn current_value ->
...>   {current_value && String.downcase(current_value), "Zebra"}
...> end)
** (KeyError) key :z not found in: ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
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get_lazy(ord_map, key, fun)

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@spec get_lazy(t(k, v), k, v) :: v | nil when k: key(), v: value()

Gets the value for a specific key in ord_map.

If key is present in ord_map then its value value is returned. Otherwise, fun is evaluated and its result is returned.

This is useful if the default value is very expensive to calculate or generally difficult to setup and teardown again.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> expensive_fun = fn -> "Zebra" end
iex> Aja.OrdMap.get_lazy(ord_map, :a, expensive_fun)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.get_lazy(ord_map, :z, expensive_fun)
@spec has_key?(t(k, value()), k) :: boolean() when k: key()

Returns whether the given key exists in ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.has_key?(ord_map, :a)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.has_key?(ord_map, :d)
@spec keys(t(k, value())) :: [k] when k: key()

Returns all keys from ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.keys(ord_map)
[:b, :c, :a]
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last(ord_map, default \\ nil)

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@spec last(t(k, v), default) :: {k, v} | default
when k: key(), v: value(), default: term()

Finds the last {key, value} pair in ord_map.

Returns a {key, value} entry if ord_map is non-empty, or nil else. Can be accessed efficiently due to the underlying vector.


iex>[b: "B", d: "D", a: "A", c: "C"]) |> Aja.OrdMap.last()
{:c, "C"}
iex>[]) |> Aja.OrdMap.last()
iex>[]) |> Aja.OrdMap.last(:error)
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merge(ord_map, map_or_ord_map)

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@spec merge(t(k, v), t(k, v) | %{optional(k) => v}) :: t(k, v)
when k: key(), v: value()

Merges a map or an ordered map into an ord_map.

All keys in map_or_ord_map will be added to ord_map, overriding any existing one (i.e., the keys in map_or_ord_map "have precedence" over the ones in ord_map).


iex> Aja.OrdMap.merge({a: 1, b: 2}),{a: 3, d: 4}))
ord(%{a: 3, b: 2, d: 4})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.merge({a: 1, b: 2}), %{a: 3, d: 4})
ord(%{a: 3, b: 2, d: 4})
@spec new() :: t()

Returns a new empty ordered map.


@spec new(Enumerable.t()) :: t(key(), value())

Creates an ordered map from an enumerable.

Preserves the original order of keys. Duplicated keys are removed; the latest one prevails.


iex> "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat")
ord(%{b: "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat"})
iex> "Bat", a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", a: "Antelope")
ord(%{b: "Buffalo", a: "Antelope"})

new/1 will return dense ord maps untouched, but will rebuild sparse ord maps from scratch. This can be used to build a dense ord map from from a sparse one. See the section about sparse structures for more information.

iex> sparse = "Cat", a: "Ant", b: "Bat") |> Aja.OrdMap.delete(:c)
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat"}, sparse?: true>
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat"})
@spec new(Enumerable.t(), (term() -> {k, v})) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Creates an ordered map from an enumerable via the given transform function.

Preserves the original order of keys. Duplicated keys are removed; the latest one prevails.


iex>[:a, :b], fn x -> {x, x} end)
ord(%{a: :a, b: :b})
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pop(ord_map, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec pop(t(k, v), k, v) :: {v, t(k, v)} when k: key(), v: value()

Returns the value for key and the updated ordered map without key.

If key is present in the ordered map with a value value, {value, new_ord_map} is returned. If key is not present in the ordered map, {default, ord_map} is returned.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> {"Bat", updated} = Aja.OrdMap.pop(ord_map, :b)
iex> updated
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> {nil, updated} = Aja.OrdMap.pop(ord_map, :z)
iex> updated
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
iex> {"Z", updated} = Aja.OrdMap.pop(ord_map, :z, "Z")
iex> updated
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
@spec pop!(t(k, v), k) :: {v, t(k, v)} when k: key(), v: value()

Returns the value for key and the updated ordered map without key.

Behaves the same as pop/3 but raises if key is not present in ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> {"Bat", updated} = Aja.OrdMap.pop!(ord_map, :b)
iex> updated
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> Aja.OrdMap.pop!(ord_map, :z)
** (KeyError) key :z not found in: ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
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pop_lazy(ord_map, key, fun)

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@spec pop_lazy(t(k, v), k, (-> v)) :: {v, t(k, v)} when k: key(), v: value()

Lazily returns and removes the value associated with key in ord_map.

If key is present in ord_map, it returns {value, new_map} where value is the value of the key and new_map is the result of removing key from ord_map. If key is not present in ord_map, {fun_result, ord_map} is returned, where fun_result is the result of applying fun.

This is useful if the default value is very expensive to calculate or generally difficult to setup and teardown again.


iex> ord_map = "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat")
iex> expensive_fun = fn -> "Zebra" end
iex> {"Ant", updated} = Aja.OrdMap.pop_lazy(ord_map, :a, expensive_fun)
iex> updated
#Aja.OrdMap<%{b: "Bat", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> {"Zebra", not_updated} = Aja.OrdMap.pop_lazy(ord_map, :z, expensive_fun)
iex> not_updated
ord(%{b: "Bat", a: "Ant", c: "Cat"})
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put(ord_map, key, value)

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@spec put(t(k, v), k, v) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Puts the given value under key in ord_map.

If the key does exist, it overwrites the existing value without changing its current location.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put(ord_map, :b, "Buffalo")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put(ord_map, :d, "Dinosaur")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat", d: "Dinosaur"})
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put_new(ord_map, key, value)

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@spec put_new(t(k, v), k, v) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Puts the given value under key unless the entry key already exists in ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put_new(ord_map, :a, "Ant")
ord(%{b: "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put_new(ord_map, :b, "Buffalo")
ord(%{b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
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put_new_lazy(ord_map, key, fun)

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@spec put_new_lazy(t(k, v), k, (-> v)) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Evaluates fun and puts the result under key in ord_map unless key is already present.

This function is useful in case you want to compute the value to put under key only if key is not already present, as for example, when the value is expensive to calculate or generally difficult to setup and teardown again.


iex> ord_map = "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> expensive_fun = fn -> "Ant" end
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put_new_lazy(ord_map, :a, expensive_fun)
ord(%{b: "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.put_new_lazy(ord_map, :b, expensive_fun)
ord(%{b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
@spec reject(t(k, v), ({k, v} -> as_boolean(term()))) :: t(k, v)
when k: key(), v: value()

Returns a new ordered map excluding the pairs from ord_map for which fun returns a truthy value. Preserves the order of ord_map.

Mirrors Map.reject/2. See also filter/2.


iex> ord_map =[zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, three: 3])
iex> Aja.OrdMap.reject(ord_map, fn {_key, val} -> rem(val, 2) == 1 end)
ord(%{zero: 0, two: 2})
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replace(ord_map, key, value)

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@spec replace(t(k, v), k, v) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.replace(ord_map, :b, "Buffalo")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.replace(ord_map, :d, "Dinosaur")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
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replace!(ord_map, key, value)

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@spec replace!(t(k, v), k, v) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.

If key is not present in ord_map, a KeyError exception is raised.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.replace!(ord_map, :b, "Buffalo")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Buffalo", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.replace!(ord_map, :d, "Dinosaur")
** (KeyError) key :d not found in: ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
@spec size(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

Returns the number of keys in ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.size(ord_map)
iex> Aja.OrdMap.size(

Returns true if ord_map is sparse; otherwise returns false.

See the section about sparse structures for more information.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.sparse?(ord_map)
iex> sparse = Aja.OrdMap.delete(ord_map, :b)
#Aja.OrdMap<%{a: "Ant", c: "Cat"}, sparse?: true>
iex> Aja.OrdMap.sparse?(sparse)

Returns a new ordered map with all the key-value pairs in ord_map where the key is in keys.

If keys contains keys that are not in ord_map, they're simply ignored. Respects the order of the keys list.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.take(ord_map, [:c, :e, :a])
ord(%{c: "Cat", a: "Ant"})
@spec to_list(t(k, v)) :: [{k, v}] when k: key(), v: value()

Returns all key-values pairs from ord_map as a list.


iex> ord_map = "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.to_list(ord_map)
[b: "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant"]
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update(ord_map, key, default, fun)

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@spec update(t(k, v), k, v, (k -> v)) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.update(ord_map, :b, "N/A", &String.upcase/1)
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "BAT", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.update(ord_map, :z, "N/A", &String.upcase/1)
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat", z: "N/A"})
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update!(ord_map, key, fun)

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@spec update!(t(k, v), k, v) :: t(k, v) when k: key(), v: value()

Puts a value under key only if the key already exists in ord_map.

If key is not present in ord_map, a KeyError exception is raised.


iex> ord_map = "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.update!(ord_map, :b,  &String.upcase/1)
ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "BAT", c: "Cat"})
iex> Aja.OrdMap.update!(ord_map, :d, &String.upcase/1)
** (KeyError) key :d not found in: ord(%{a: "Ant", b: "Bat", c: "Cat"})
@spec values(t(key(), v)) :: [v] when v: value()

Returns all values from ord_map.


iex> ord_map = "Bat", c: "Cat", a: "Ant")
iex> Aja.OrdMap.values(ord_map)
["Bat", "Cat", "Ant"]