Alembic v2.1.0 Alembic.ToParams behaviour

The Alembic.ToParams behaviour converts a data structure in the Alembic namespace to the params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4.



A nested map with the outer layer keyed by the Alembic.Resource.type, then the next layer keys by the with the values not being present initially, but being updated to true once the {type, id} is converted once

Params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4

A nest map with the outer layer keyed by the Alembic.Resource.type, then the next layer keyed by the with the values being the full Alembic.Resource.t


Converts nested parameters for belongs_to associations to a foreign key parameter


Unlike to_params/2, if type and id of convertable already exists in converted_by_id_by_type, then the params returned are only %{ "id" => id } without any further expansion, that is, a resource identifier, so that loops are prevented


converted_by_id_by_type :: %{Resource.type => %{ => boolean}}

A nested map with the outer layer keyed by the Alembic.Resource.type, then the next layer keys by the with the values not being present initially, but being updated to true once the {type, id} is converted once.

params :: list | map | nil

Params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4.

resource_by_id_by_type :: %{Resource.type => %{ => Resource.t}}

A nest map with the outer layer keyed by the Alembic.Resource.type, then the next layer keyed by the with the values being the full Alembic.Resource.t


nested_to_foreign_keys(nested_params, schema_module)


nested_to_foreign_keys(params, module) :: params

Converts nested parameters for belongs_to associations to a foreign key parameter.

iex> Alembic.ToParams.nested_to_foreign_keys(
...>   %{
...>     "id" => 1,
...>     "author" => %{
...>       "id" => 2
...>     },
...>     "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"
...>   },
...>   Alembic.TestPost
...> )
  "id" => 1,
  "author_id" => 2,
  "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"

nil for the nested parameters converts to a nil foreign key parameter

iex> Alembic.ToParams.nested_to_foreign_keys(
...>   %{
...>     "id" => 1,
...>     "author" => nil,
...>     "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"
...>   },
...>   Alembic.TestPost
...> )
  "id" => 1,
  "author_id" => nil,
  "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"

This differs from when the nested parameters are not even present, in which case the foreign key won’t be added

iex> Alembic.ToParams.nested_to_foreign_keys(
...>   %{
...>     "id" => 1,
...>     "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"
...>   },
...>   Alembic.TestPost
...> )
  "id" => 1,
  "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"

From the other side of the belongs_to, the has_many nested params are unchanged

iex> Alembic.ToParams.nested_to_foreign_keys(
...>   %{
...>     "id" => 2,
...>     "name" => "Alice",
...>     "posts" => [
...>       %{
...>         "id" => 1,
...>         "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   Alembic.TestAuthor
...> )
  "id" => 2,
  "name" => "Alice",
  "posts" => [
      "id" => 1,
      "text" => "Welcome to my new blog!"


to_params(convertable, resource_by_id_by_type)


to_params(convertable :: any, resource_by_id_by_type) ::
  params |
  {:error, :unset}


  • convertable - an Alembic.Document.t hierarchy data structure
  • resources_by_id_by_type - A nest map with the outer layer keyed by the Alembic.Resource.type, then the next layer keyed by the with the values being the full Alembic.Resource.t from Alembic.Document.t included.



  • nil if an empty singleton
  • %{} - if a non-empty singleton
  • [] - if an empty collection
  • [%{}] - if a non-empty collection


  • {:error, :unset} - if the convertable data is not set
to_params(convertable, resource_by_id_by_type, converted_by_id_by_type)


to_params(convertable :: any, resource_by_id_by_type, converted_by_id_by_type) ::
  params |
  {:error, :already_converted | :unset}

Unlike to_params/2, if type and id of convertable already exists in converted_by_id_by_type, then the params returned are only %{ "id" => id } without any further expansion, that is, a resource identifier, so that loops are prevented.


  • convertable - an Alembic.Document.t hierarchy data structure
  • resources_by_id_by_type - A nest map with the outer layer keyed by the Alembic.Resource.type, then the next layer keyed by the with the values being the full Alembic.Resource.t from Alembic.Document.t included.
  • converted_by_id_by_type - Tracks which (type, id) have been converted already to prevent infinite recursion when expanding indirect relationships.



  • {nil} if an empty singleton
  • %{} - if a non-empty singleton
  • [] - if an empty collection
  • [%{}] - if a non-empty collection


  • {:error, :already_converted} - if the type and id of convertable already exists in converted_by_id_by_type
  • {:error, :unset} - if the convertable data is not set