Alembic v3.4.0 Alembic.Document View Source

JSON API refers to the top-level JSON structure as a document.

Link to this section Summary



A JSON API Document


Tries to determine the common Alembic.Error.t status between all errors in the document

Converts the errors in ecto_changeset to Alembic.Error.t in a single t

Converts a JSON object into a JSON API Document, t

Lookup table of included resources, so that Alembic.ResourceIdentifier.t can be converted to full Alembic.Resource.t

Merges the errors from two documents together

Since merge/2 adds the second errors to the beginning of a first document’s errors list, the final merged errors needs to be reversed to maintain the original order

Converts a document into one or more Ecto.Schema.t structs

Call to_ecto_schema/2 instead to automatically generate attributes_by_id_by_type

Extract paged pagination information

Transforms a t into the nested params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4

Transforms a t into the nested params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4 using the given resources_by_id_by_type

Transforms a t into the nested params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4 using the given resources_by_id_by_type and converted_by_id_by_type

Link to this section Types

Link to this type t() View Source
t ::
  %Alembic.Document{data: :unset, errors: [Alembic.Error.t], included: nil, jsonapi: term, links: Alembic.Links.t | nil, meta: Alembic.Meta.t | nil} |
  %Alembic.Document{data: :unset, errors: nil, included: nil, jsonapi: term, links: Alembic.Links.t | nil, meta: Alembic.Meta.t} |
  %Alembic.Document{data: [Alembic.Resource.t] | Alembic.Resource.t | nil, errors: nil, included: [Alembic.Resource.t] | nil, jsonapi: term, links: Alembic.Links.t | nil, meta: Alembic.Meta.t | nil}

A JSON API Document.


When there are no errors, data are returned in the document and errors are not returned in the document.



When an error occurs, errors are returned in the document and data are not returned in the document.



JSON API allows a meta only document, in which case data and errors are not returned in the document.


Link to this section Functions

Link to this function error_status_consensus(document) View Source

Tries to determine the common Alembic.Error.t status between all errors in the document.

If it is not an errors document, nil is returned.

iex> Alembic.Document.error_status_consensus(
...>   %Alembic.Document{data: []}
...> )

Single error

If there is one error, its status is returned. This could be nil as no field is required in a JSONAPI error.

iex> Alembic.Document.error_status_consensus(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     errors: [
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "404"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.error_status_consensus(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     errors: [
...>       %Alembic.Error{}
...>     ]
...>   }
...> )

Multiple errors

If there are multiple errors with the same status, then that is the consensus

iex> Alembic.Document.error_status_consensus(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     errors: [
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "404"
...>       },
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "404"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   }
...> )

If there are multiple errors, but some errors don’t have statuses, they are ignored

iex> Alembic.Document.error_status_consensus(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     errors: [
...>       %Alembic.Error{},
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "404"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   }
...> )

If there are multiple errors, but they disagree within the same 100s block, then that is the consensus

iex> Alembic.Document.error_status_consensus(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     errors: [
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "404"
...>       },
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "422"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   }
...> )

If there are multiple errors, but they disagree without the same 100s block, then the greater 100s block is the consensus

iex> Alembic.Document.error_status_consensus(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     errors: [
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "422"
...>       },
...>       %Alembic.Error{
...>         status: "500"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   }
...> )
Link to this function from_ecto_changeset(ecto_changeset, options) View Source
from_ecto_changeset(Ecto.Changeset.t, Alembic.Source.pointer_path_from_ecto_changeset_error_field_options) :: t
from_ecto_changeset(Ecto.Changeset.t, %{format_key: (atom -> String.t)}) :: t

Converts the errors in ecto_changeset to Alembic.Error.t in a single t.

If only :format_key is given in the options, then the other keys for Alembic.Source.pointer_path_from_ecto_changeset_error_field_options will be derived from the ecto_schema_module of the changeset :data.

iex> format_key = fn key ->
...>   key |> Atom.to_string() |> String.replace("_", "-")
...> end
iex> Document.from_ecto_changeset(
...>   %Ecto.Changeset{
...>     data: %Alembic.TestAuthor{id: 1},
...>     errors: [
...>       {:name, {"should be at least %{count} character(s)", [count: 2, validation: :length, min: 2]}},
...>       {:posts, {"are still associated with this entry", []}}
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %{format_key: format_key}
...> )
  errors: [
      detail: "name should be at least 2 character(s)",
      source: %Alembic.Source{
        pointer: "/data/attributes/name"
      title: "should be at least 2 character(s)"
      detail: "posts are still associated with this entry",
      source: %Alembic.Source{
        pointer: "/data/relationships/posts"
      title: "are still associated with this entry"

If the ecto_changeset data is not an Ecto.Schema.t struct and __schema__/1 reflection functions are not supported, then you can bypass the reflection by giving the Alembic.Source.pointer_path_from_ecto_changeset_error_field_options explicitly

iex> format_key = fn key ->
...>   key |> Atom.to_string() |> String.replace("_", "-")
...> end
iex> Document.from_ecto_changeset(
...>   %Ecto.Changeset{
...>     data: %{id: 1},
...>     errors: [
...>       {:name, {"should be at least %{count} character(s)", [count: 2, validation: :length, min: 2]}},
...>       {:posts, {"are still associated with this entry", []}}
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %{
...>     association_set:[:posts]),
...>     association_by_foreign_key: %{},
...>     attribute_set:[:name]),
...>     format_key: format_key
...>   }
...> )
  errors: [
      detail: "name should be at least 2 character(s)",
      source: %Alembic.Source{
        pointer: "/data/attributes/name"
      title: "should be at least 2 character(s)"
      detail: "posts are still associated with this entry",
      source: %Alembic.Source{
        pointer: "/data/relationships/posts"
      title: "are still associated with this entry"
Link to this function from_json(json, error_template) View Source

Converts a JSON object into a JSON API Document, t.

Data documents


An empty single resource can represented as "data": null in encoded JSON, so it comes into from_json as data: nil

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{ "data" => nil },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    data: nil

A present single can be a resource

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => %{
...>       "attributes" => %{
...>         "text" => "First Post!"
...>       },
...>       "id" => "1",
...>       "type" => "post"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :client
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    data: %Alembic.Resource{
      attributes: %{
        "text" => "First Post!"
      id: "1",
      type: "post"

… or a present single can be just a resource identifier

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => %{
...>       "id" => "1",
...>       "type" => "post"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    data: %Alembic.ResourceIdentifier{
      id: "1",
      type: "post"

You notice that whether a JSON object in "data" is treated as a Alembic.Resource.t or Alembic.ResourceIdentifier.t hinges on whether "attributes" or "relationships" is present as those members are only allowed for resources.



A collection can be a list of resources

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "First Post!"
...>         },
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "comments" => %{
...>             "data" => [
...>               %{
...>                 "id" => "1",
...>                 "type" => "comment"
...>               }
...>             ]
...>           }
...>         },
...>         "type" => "post"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :client
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    data: [
        attributes: %{
          "text" => "First Post!"
        id: "1",
        relationships: %{
          "comments" => %Alembic.Relationship{
            data: [
                id: "1",
                type: "comment"
        type: "post"

With "relationships", a resources collection can optionally have "included" for the attributes for the resource identifiers. If "included" is not given or the "id" and "type" for a resource identifier, then the resource identifier should just be considered a foreign key reference that needs to be fetched with another API query.

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "First Post!"
...>         },
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "comments" => %{
...>             "data" => [
...>               %{
...>                 "id" => "1",
...>                 "type" => "comment"
...>               }
...>             ]
...>           }
...>         },
...>         "type" => "post"
...>       }
...>     ],
...>     "included" => [
...>       %{
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "First Comment!"
...>         },
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "type" => "comment"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :client
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    data: [
        attributes: %{
          "text" => "First Post!"
        id: "1",
        relationships: %{
          "comments" => %Alembic.Relationship{
            data: [
                id: "1",
                type: "comment"
        type: "post"
    included: [
        attributes: %{
          "text" => "First Comment!"
        id: "1",
        type: "comment"

Resource Identifiers

Or a list of resource identifiers

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "type" => "post"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    data: [
        id: "1",
        type: "post"


An empty collection can be signified with []. Because there is no type information, it’s not possible to tell whether it is an empty list of Alembic.Resource.t or Alembic.ResourceIdentifier.t.

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => []
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    data: []

Errors documents

Errors from the sender must have an "errors" key set to a list of errors.

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "errors" => [
...>       %{
...>         "code" => "1",
...>         "detail" => "There was an error in data",
...>         "id" => "2",
...>         "links" => %{
...>           "about" => %{
...>             "href" => "/errors/2",
...>             "meta" => %{
...>               "extra" => "about meta"
...>             }
...>           }
...>         },
...>         "meta" => %{
...>           "extra" => "error meta"
...>         },
...>         "source" => %{
...>           "pointer" => "/data"
...>         },
...>         "status" => "422",
...>         "title" => "There was an error"
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    errors: [
        code: "1",
        detail: "There was an error in data",
        id: "2",
        links: %{
          "about" => %Alembic.Link{
            href: "/errors/2",
            meta: %{
              "extra" => "about meta"
        meta: %{
          "extra" => "error meta"
        source: %Alembic.Source{
          pointer: "/data"
        status: "422",
        title: "There was an error"

Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by "errors" in the top level of a JSON API document.

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{"errors" => "Lots of errors"},
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    errors: [
        detail: "`/errors` type is not array",
        meta: %{
          "type" => "array"
        source: %Alembic.Source{
          pointer: "/errors"
        status: "422",
        title: "Type is wrong"

Meta documents

Returned documents can contain just "meta" with neither "data" nor "errors"

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "meta" => %{
...>       "copyright" => "2016"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    meta: %{
      "copyright" => "2016"

Incomplete documents

If neither "errors", "data", nor "meta" is present, then the document is invalid and an :error tuple will be returned. In the tuple with :error is an Alembic.Document.t that is a proper JSONAPI errors document that can be set back to the sender.

iex> Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{},
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
    errors: [
        detail: "At least one of the following children of `` must be present:\n" <>
                "data\n" <>
                "errors\n" <>
        meta: %{
          "children" => [
        source: %Alembic.Source{
          pointer: ""
        status: "422",
        title: "Not enough children"
Link to this function included_resource_by_id_by_type(document) View Source
included_resource_by_id_by_type(t) :: Alembic.ToParams.resource_by_id_by_type

Lookup table of included resources, so that Alembic.ResourceIdentifier.t can be converted to full Alembic.Resource.t.

No included resources

With no included resources, an empty map is returned

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => %{
...>       "type" => "post",
...>       "id" => "1"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
...> Alembic.Document.included_resource_by_id_by_type(document)

Included resources

With included resources, a nest map is built with the outer layer keyed by the Alembic.Resource.type, then the next layer keyed by the with the values being the full Alembic.Resource.t

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "articles",
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "author" => %{
...>             "data" => %{
...>               "type" => "people",
...>               "id" => "9"
...>             }
...>           },
...>           "comments" => %{
...>             "data" => [
...>               %{
...>                 "type" => "comments",
...>                 "id" => "5"
...>               },
...>               %{
...>                 "type" => "comments",
...>                 "id" => "12"
...>               }
...>             ]
...>           }
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ],
...>     "included" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "people",
...>         "id" => "9",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "first-name" => "Dan",
...>           "last-name" => "Gebhardt",
...>           "twitter" => "dgeb"
...>         }
...>       },
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "comments",
...>         "id" => "5",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "body" => "First!"
...>         },
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "author" => %{
...>             "data" => %{
...>               "type" => "people",
...>               "id" => "2"
...>             }
...>           }
...>         }
...>       },
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "comments",
...>         "id" => "12",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "body" => "I like XML better"
...>         },
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "author" => %{
...>             "data" => %{
...>               "type" => "people",
...>               "id" => "9"
...>             }
...>           }
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
...> Alembic.Document.included_resource_by_id_by_type(document)
  "comments" => %{
    "12" => %Alembic.Resource{
      attributes: %{
        "body" => "I like XML better"
      id: "12",
      relationships: %{
        "author" => %Alembic.Relationship{
          data: %Alembic.ResourceIdentifier{
            id: "9",
            type: "people"
      type: "comments"
    "5" => %Alembic.Resource{
      attributes: %{
        "body" => "First!"
      id: "5",
      relationships: %{
        "author" => %Alembic.Relationship{
          data: %Alembic.ResourceIdentifier{
            id: "2",
            type: "people"
      type: "comments"
  "people" => %{
    "9" => %Alembic.Resource{
      attributes: %{
        "first-name" => "Dan",
        "last-name" => "Gebhardt",
        "twitter" => "dgeb"
      id: "9",
      type: "people"
Link to this function merge(first, second) View Source
merge(%Alembic.Document{data: term, errors: [Alembic.Error.t], included: term, jsonapi: term, links: term, meta: term}, %Alembic.Document{data: term, errors: [Alembic.Error.t], included: term, jsonapi: term, links: term, meta: term}) :: %Alembic.Document{data: term, errors: [Alembic.Error.t], included: term, jsonapi: term, links: term, meta: term}

Merges the errors from two documents together.

The errors from the second document are prepended to the errors of the first document so that the errors as a whole can be reversed with reverse/1

Since merge/2 adds the second errors to the beginning of a first document’s errors list, the final merged errors needs to be reversed to maintain the original order.

iex> merged = %Alembic.Document{
...>   errors: [
...>     %Alembic.Error{
...>       detail: "The index `2` of `/data` is not a resource",
...>       source: %Alembic.Source{
...>         pointer: "/data/2"
...>       },
...>       title: "Element is not a resource"
...>     },
...>     %Alembic.Error{
...>       detail: "The index `1` of `/data` is not a resource",
...>       source: %Alembic.Source{
...>         pointer: "/data/1"
...>       },
...>       title: "Element is not a resource"
...>     }
...>   ]
...> }
iex> Alembic.Document.reverse(merged)
  errors: [
      detail: "The index `1` of `/data` is not a resource",
      source: %Alembic.Source{
        pointer: "/data/1"
      title: "Element is not a resource"
      detail: "The index `2` of `/data` is not a resource",
      source: %Alembic.Source{
        pointer: "/data/2"
      title: "Element is not a resource"
Link to this function to_ecto_schema(document, ecto_schema_module_by_type) View Source
to_ecto_schema(%Alembic.Document{data: term, errors: term, included: term, jsonapi: term, links: term, meta: term}, %{optional(String.t) => module}) ::
  {:ok, nil | struct | [] | [struct]} |
  {:error, t}

Converts a document into one or more Ecto.Schema.t structs.


  • document - supplies resource attributes and associations (through included)
  • ecto_schema_module_by_type - Maps the Alembic.Resource.t type String.t to the Ecto.Schema module to use with Ecto.Changeset.cast/4.


  • {:ok, nil} - an empty single resource
  • {:ok, struct} - a single resource
  • {:ok, []} - an empty resource collection
  • {:ok, [struct]} - a non-empty resource collection
  • {:error, t} - the document have errors and so won’t be converted to struct(s).


No resource

No resource has to return nil for Ecto schema because the type is not present.

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => nil
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_ecto_schema(document, %{})
{:ok, nil}

Single resource

A single resource is converted to a single Ecto schema struct corresponding to the type.

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => %{
...>       "attributes" => %{
...>         "name" => "Thing 1"
...>       },
...>       "id" => "1",
...>       "type" => "thing"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_ecto_schema(
...>   document,
...>   %{
...>     "thing" => Alembic.TestThing
...>   }
...> )
    __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
      source: {nil, "things"},
      state: :built
    id: 1,
    name: "Thing 1"


Relationships are merged into the struct for the resource

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => %{
...>       "attributes" => %{
...>         "name" => "Thing 1"
...>       },
...>       "relationships" => %{
...>         "shirt" => %{
...>           "data" => %{
...>             "attributes" => %{
...>               "size" => "L"
...>             },
...>             "type" => "shirt"
...>           }
...>         }
...>       },
...>       "type" => "thing"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :client
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_ecto_schema(
...>   document,
...>   %{
...>     "shirt" => Alembic.TestShirt,
...>     "thing" => Alembic.TestThing
...>   }
...> )
    __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
      source: {nil, "things"},
      state: :built
    name: "Thing 1",
    shirt: %Alembic.TestShirt{
      __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
        source: {nil, "shirts"},
        state: :built
      size: "L"

Multiple resources

Multiple resources are converted to a struct list where each element is a struct that combines the id and attributes

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "Welcome"
...>         }
...>       },
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "2",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "It's been awhile"
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_ecto_schema(
...>   document,
...>   %{
...>     "post" => Alembic.TestPost
...>   }
...> )
      __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
        source: {nil, "posts"},
        state: :built
      author: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{
        __cardinality__: :one,
        __field__: :author,
        __owner__: Alembic.TestPost
      author_id: nil,
      id: 1,
      text: "Welcome"
      __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
        source: {nil, "posts"},
        state: :built
      author: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{
        __cardinality__: :one,
        __field__: :author,
        __owner__: Alembic.TestPost
      author_id: nil,
      id: 2,
      text: "It's been awhile"


Relationships are merged into the structs for the corresponding resource

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "Welcome"
...>         },
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "comments" => %{
...>             "data" => [
...>               %{
...>                 "type" => "comment",
...>                 "id" => "3"
...>               }
...>             ]
...>           }
...>         }
...>       },
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "2",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "It's been awhile"
...>         },
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "comments" => %{
...>             "data" => []
...>           }
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ],
...>     "included" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "comment",
...>         "id" => "3",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "First!"
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_ecto_schema(
...>   document,
...>   %{
...>     "comment" => Alembic.TestComment,
...>     "post" => Alembic.TestPost
...>   }
...> )
      __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
        source: {nil, "posts"},
        state: :built
      author: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{
        __cardinality__: :one,
        __field__: :author,
        __owner__: Alembic.TestPost
      author_id: nil,
      comments: [
          __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
            source: {nil, "comments"},
            state: :built
          id: 3,
          post: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{
            __cardinality__: :one,
            __field__: :post,
            __owner__: Alembic.TestComment
          post_id: nil,
          text: "First!"
      id: 1,
      text: "Welcome"
      __meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{
        source: {nil, "posts"},
        state: :built
      author: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{
        __cardinality__: :one,
        __field__: :author,
        __owner__: Alembic.TestPost
      author_id: nil,
      comments: [],
      id: 2,
      text: "It's been awhile"
Link to this function to_ecto_schema(document, resource_by_id_by_type, ecto_schema_module_by_type) View Source
to_ecto_schema(%Alembic.Document{data: [Alembic.Resource.t] | Alembic.Resource.t, errors: term, included: term, jsonapi: term, links: term, meta: term}, Alembic.ToParams.resource_by_id_by_type, Alembic.ToEctoSchema.ecto_schema_module_by_type) ::
  [struct] |

Call to_ecto_schema/2 instead to automatically generate attributes_by_id_by_type

Link to this function to_pagination(document) View Source
to_pagination(t) :: Alembic.Pagination.t | nil

Extract paged pagination information.

To support pagination, a document at minimum must have a "record_count" meta entry.

iex> Alembic.Document.to_pagination(
...>   %Alembic.Document{meta: %{ "record_count" => 10 }}
...> )
%Alembic.Pagination{ total_size: 10 }

Without it, the "record_count" meta entry, the pagination will be nil

iex> Alembic.Document.to_pagination(%Alembic.Document{})

Single Page

When there is only one page, there will be a "first" and "last" link pointing to the same page, but no “next” or “prev” links. The total_size as given by the meta "record_count" will between 0 and the page size because the last is not necessarily full.

iex> Alembic.Document.to_pagination(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     links: %{
...>       "first" => "",
...>       "last" => ""
...>     },
...>     meta: %{ "record_count" => 5 }
...>   }
...> )
  first: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 1,
    size: 10
  last: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 1,
    size: 10
  total_size: 5

Multiple Pages

When there are multiple pages, every page will have a "first" and "last" link pointing to the respective, different pages. The total_size as given by the meta "record_count" will be between (last.number - 1) * last.size and last.number * last.size because the last page is not necessarily full.

On the first page, the "next" link will be set, but not the "prev" link.

iex> Alembic.Document.to_pagination(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     links: %{
...>       "first" => "",
...>       "last" => "",
...>       "next" => ""
...>     },
...>     meta: %{ "record_count" => 25 }
...>   }
...> )
  first: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 1,
    size: 10
  last: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 3,
    size: 10
  next: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 2,
    size: 10
  total_size: 25

On any middle page, both the "next" and "prev" links will be set.

iex> Alembic.Document.to_pagination(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     links: %{
...>       "first" => "",
...>       "last" => "",
...>       "next" => "",
...>       "prev" => ""
...>     },
...>     meta: %{ "record_count" => 25 }
...>   }
...> )
  first: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 1,
    size: 10
  last: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 3,
    size: 10
  next: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 3,
    size: 10
  previous: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 1,
    size: 10
  total_size: 25

On the last page, the "prev" link will be set, but not the "next" link.

iex> Alembic.Document.to_pagination(
...>   %Alembic.Document{
...>     links: %{
...>       "first" => "",
...>       "last" => "",
...>       "prev" => ""
...>     },
...>     meta: %{ "record_count" => 25 }
...>   }
...> )
  first: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 1,
    size: 10
  last: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 3,
    size: 10
  previous: %Alembic.Pagination.Page{
    number: 2,
    size: 10
  total_size: 25
Link to this function to_params(document) View Source
to_params(t) :: [map] | map

Transforms a t into the nested params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4.

No resource

No resource is transformed to an empty map

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => nil
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_params(document)

Single resource

A single resource is converted to a params map that combines the id and attributes.

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => %{
...>       "attributes" => %{
...>         "name" => "Thing 1"
...>       },
...>       "id" => "1",
...>       "type" => "thing"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_params(document)
  "id" => "1",
  "name" => "Thing 1"


Relationships are merged into the params for the resource

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => %{
...>       "attributes" => %{
...>         "name" => "Thing 1"
...>       },
...>       "id" => "1",
...>       "relationships" => %{
...>         "shirt" => %{
...>           "data" => %{
...>             "attributes" => %{
...>               "size" => "L"
...>             },
...>             "type" => "shirt"
...>           }
...>         }
...>       },
...>       "type" => "thing"
...>     }
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :create,
...>       "sender" => :client
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_params(document)
  "id" => "1",
  "name" => "Thing 1",
  "shirt" => %{
    "size" => "L"

Multiple resources

Multiple resources are converted to a params list where each element is a map that combines the id and attributes

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "Welcome"
...>         }
...>       },
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "2",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "It's been awhile"
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_params(document)
    "id" => "1",
    "text" => "Welcome"
    "id" => "2",
    "text" => "It's been awhile"


Relationships are merged into the params for the corresponding resource

iex> {:ok, document} = Alembic.Document.from_json(
...>   %{
...>     "data" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "Welcome"
...>         },
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "comments" => %{
...>             "data" => [
...>               %{
...>                 "type" => "comment",
...>                 "id" => "1"
...>               }
...>             ]
...>           }
...>         }
...>       },
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "post",
...>         "id" => "2",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "It's been awhile"
...>         },
...>         "relationships" => %{
...>           "comments" => %{
...>             "data" => []
...>           }
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ],
...>     "included" => [
...>       %{
...>         "type" => "comment",
...>         "id" => "1",
...>         "attributes" => %{
...>           "text" => "First!"
...>         }
...>       }
...>     ]
...>   },
...>   %Alembic.Error{
...>     meta: %{
...>       "action" => :fetch,
...>       "sender" => :server
...>     },
...>     source: %Alembic.Source{
...>       pointer: ""
...>     }
...>   }
...> )
iex> Alembic.Document.to_params(document)
    "id" => "1",
    "text" => "Welcome",
    "comments" => [
        "id" => "1",
        "text" => "First!"
    "id" => "2",
    "text" => "It's been awhile",
    "comments" => []
Link to this function to_params(document, resource_by_id_by_type) View Source
to_params(%Alembic.Document{data: [Alembic.Resource.t] | Alembic.Resource.t | nil, errors: term, included: term, jsonapi: term, links: term, meta: term}, Alembic.ToParams.resource_by_id_by_type) :: Alembic.ToParams.params

Transforms a t into the nested params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4 using the given resources_by_id_by_type.

See Alembic.Document.to_params/1

Link to this function to_params(document, resource_by_id_by_type, converted_by_id_by_type) View Source
to_params(%Alembic.Document{data: [Alembic.Resource.t] | Alembic.Resource.t | nil, errors: term, included: term, jsonapi: term, links: term, meta: term}, Alembic.ToParams.resource_by_id_by_type, Alembic.ToParams.converted_by_id_by_type) :: Alembic.ToParams.params

Transforms a t into the nested params format used by Ecto.Changeset.cast/4 using the given resources_by_id_by_type and converted_by_id_by_type.

See InterpreterServer.Api.Document.to_params/1