AltworxBook.Normalizer.Pipeline (altworx_book v0.2.0)
Normalizer pipeline helper functions.
Link to this section Summary
Execute pipeline definition on list of messages.
Evaluate pipeline step on given message.
Validate message result produced by AltworxBook.Normalizer.Pipeline.run_step/2
Return kino presentation of pipeline evaluation results.
Link to this section Types
Link to this type
@type pipeline_evaluation_result() :: {:new, Toolbox.Message.t()} | {:ignored, :ignored, Toolbox.Message.t()} | {:error, {:error, term()}, Toolbox.Message.t()}
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@type pipeline_step() :: (... -> any())
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@type pipeline_step_result() :: {:new, Toolbox.Message.t(), Toolbox.Message.t()} | {:ignored, :ignored, Toolbox.Message.t()} | {:error, term(), Toolbox.Message.t()}
Link to this section Functions
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run(messages, steps)
@spec run([AltworxBook.Kafka.RawTopic.message()], [pipeline_step()]) :: [ pipeline_step_result() ]
Execute pipeline definition on list of messages.
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run_step(step_input, step_fn)
@spec run_step( AltworxBook.Kafka.RawTopic.message() | {:error, term()} | :ignored | Toolbox.Message.t(), pipeline_step() ) :: {:error, term()} | :ignored | Toolbox.Message.t()
Evaluate pipeline step on given message.
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@spec validate_output_message(Toolbox.Message.t() | term()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}
Validate message result produced by AltworxBook.Normalizer.Pipeline.run_step/2
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@spec visualize_results([pipeline_step_result()]) :: Kino.Layout.t()
Return kino presentation of pipeline evaluation results.