View Source Advent Of Code

This is a small collection of command line tools to help with Advent of Code by managing inputs, tests and boilerplate code while you focus on problem solving!

Quickstart Guide

Follow these steps to get started on your first AoC puzzle today!

In a Hurry? Just go to the "TL; DR" section.

Install the library

This framework is distributed as a library as it consists mostly of mix tasks. You may add the dependency to your project, or add it to a new project created with mix new my_app.

defp deps do
    {:aoc, "~> 0.14"},

Then call mix deps.get before following the rest of this guide.


If it does not exist, create a configuration file in your application:

mkdir -p config
touch config/config.exs

Then add the configuration for the module prefix. This is the namespace of all solution modules generated by aoc. It must start with your app name.

# config/config.exs

import Config

config :aoc,
  # The prefix is used when creating solutions and test modules with
  # `mix aoc.create`.
  prefix: MyApp.Solutions,

  # Optional

  # Include help comments when generating modules and tests.
  generate_comments: true

Tip: The configuration can be defined in config/runtime.exs instead.

In order to run the aoc.test command described later in this document, you need to declare that command as a test environment command.

In yourmix.exs file, declare the following function:

# mix.exs
def cli do
    preferred_envs: ["aoc.test": :test]

The cookie is used to authenticate with the AoC website. This library will only use it to fetch your inputs and save them locally.

Retrieve your cookie from the AoC website (with you browser developer tools) and write the session ID in $HOME/.adventofcode.session. It should be a long hex number like 53616c7415146f5f1d5792d97e...

Are you trying this library before December 1st ?

The aoc commands use dynamic default values: they will always default to the current year and day, as they are intended to be used during the event.

If you want to try this library right now and be ready for day one, why not try a simple puzzle from a previous year?

Just chose a year and a day, for instance 2023 Dec. 1st, and set that as your new default values:

mix aoc.set --year 2023 --day 1

# short version
mix aoc.set -y 2023 -d

This is also useful if you need to focus on a puzzle for more than one year.

Remember to call mix aoc.set --reset when you want to use the dynamic default values.

Let's write some code!

Note that this guide uses 2023 day 1 for its examples.

Also ... this tools gives a strong importance to testing and TDD practice. If you are playing the race game, it may not be worth it, but you can still use all the file generation part.

Alright, now that you are set up, you can automatically download the input and generate the files to work on your solution.

Generate the files

Call mix aoc.create to do just that.

The generated module will look like that:

defmodule MyApp.Solutions.Y23.Day01 do
  alias AoC.Input

  def parse(input, _part) do!(input)

  def part_one(problem) do

  # def part_two(problem) do
  #   problem
  # end

Alright, I lied, the module is also full of comments to help you understand what you can do in there. See the configuration section to disable those.

There are three functions in there.

  • The parse/2 function should be focused on transforming the input text into a data structure of your design. Imagine a good model for your data and the algorithms will be simpler to write.
  • The part_one/1 function receives the output of parse/2. It is separated so you can test to call it with made up data, and focus on the problem. Of course, you can just return the input as-is from parse/2 and do everything in part_one/2.
  • Uncomment the part_two/1 function when you have done part 1.

There is also a generated test in your test directory. Inside, you can find the following test:

  test "part one example" do
    input = ~S"""
    This is an
    example input.
    replace with
    an example from
    the AoC website.

    assert CHANGE_ME == solve(input, :part_one)

Finally, give a look at your input downloaded in priv/input/2023/day-01.inp, this may give you a hint about what to do before writing the tests. Or you can just try to solve the example before, your choice!

Solve the example

It's time to read the puzzle if you haven't already. You can call mix as a shortcut.

After having carefully read the the puzzle description, copy it's first example and paste it in lieu of the current placeholder. The puzzle also gives the answer for that example: 142. This is what we are going to use for the assertion.

In the end, we should have this:

  test "part one example" do
    input = ~S"""

    assert 142 == solve(input, :part_one)

You may then use mix aoc.test to test your implementation with that example.

Or you can just call mix test or mix test test/2023/day_01.exs. After all, this test is nothing special to the aoc library, you can do whatever you want in there:

  • Add more example tests.
  • Customize the solve/2 function to your liking, maybe with some dbg() or IO.inspect/2 calls.
  • Use your own ExUnit case template.

Solve the puzzle

Finally, once your tests seem correct, you can use mix to run your solution with the actual input. It will print something like that:

Solution for 2023 day 1
part_one: 1014171 in 17.16ms

And it's time to submit your first answer to the AoC website. Hopefully, it will be right!

When you have the right solution, just uncomment the test "part two example" block in your test, and the part_two/1 function in your solution module, and you're ready for part two.

Happy coding :)

Call your solution module manually

If you want to call your module directly from custom tests or from a runner of your own, just pass the path of your input and :part_one | :part_two to the parse/2 function, and pipe that to the part_one/1 or part_two/1 function:

solution_for_p1 =
  |> MyApp.Y23.Day1.parse(:part_one)
  |> MyApp.Y23.Day1.part_one()


  1. Installation: Add the dependency and fetch it.

    # mix.exs
    defp deps do
        {:aoc, "~> 0.11"},
    def cli do
        preferred_envs: ["aoc.test": :test]
    # Run in terminal
    mix deps.get
  2. Configuration: Set up your configuration and environment.

    # config/config.exs
    import Config
    config :aoc, prefix: MyApp.Solutions
  3. Authentication: Save your AoC session cookie value in $HOME/.adventofcode.session.

  4. Before the event: Set default values for previous days.

    # Force defaults to 2023 day 1
    mix aoc.set -y 2023 -d 1
    # Reset on December 1st
    mix aoc.set --reset
  5. Generate the files:

    # Generate solution files
    mix aoc.create
  6. Import the example:

    # Copy input and expected result from the example in
    # the generated test.
    test "part one example" do
      input = ~S"""
      assert 142 == solve(input, :part_one)
  7. Implement parse/2 and part_one/1 in your module. Use the tests to verify with the example:

    # Run tests
    mix aoc.test
    # Or
    mix test
  8. Run your solution:

    # Run the solution
  9. Manual Execution: Directly call solution functions if needed.

    # Manual call
    solution_for_p1 =
      |> MyApp.Solutions.Y23.Day1.parse(:part_one)
      |> MyApp.Solutions.Y23.Day1.part_one()

Available Commands

The following commands will use default year and day based on the current date.

It is possible to override the defaults with the mix aoc.set command, or provide the --year and --day options to any of them.

The following docs are generated from the tasks modules documentation. You can get any of them using mix help <command>, for instance mix help aoc.create.

You may also get a quick summary of options by calling those commands with the --help flag, as in mix aoc.create --help.

Opens the puzzle page with your defined browser on on

The command to call with the URL will be defined in the following order:

  • Using the AOC_BROWSER environment variable.
  • Using the BROWSER environment variable.
  • Fallback to xdg-open.


mix [options]


  • -y, --year <integer> - Year of the puzzle. Defaults to today's year or custom default.
  • -d, --day <integer> - Day of the puzzle. Defaults to today's day or custom default.
  • --help - Displays this help.


This task will execute the following operations:

  • Download the input from Advent of Code website into the priv/inputs directory.
  • Create the solution module.
  • Create a test module.

Existing files will not be overwritten. It is safe to call the command again if you need to regenerate a deleted file.

The generated files will contain some comment blocks to help you get accustomed to using this library. This can be annoying after some time. You may disable generating those comments by setting the appropriate configuration option:

config :aoc, generate_comments: false


mix aoc.create [options]


  • -y, --year <integer> - Year of the puzzle. Defaults to today's year or custom default.
  • -d, --day <integer> - Day of the puzzle. Defaults to today's day or custom default.
  • --help - Displays this help.


Runs your test file for the Advent of Code puzzle.

Note that test files generated by the mix aoc.create command are regular ExUnit tests.

You can always run mix test or a test specified by a file and an optional line number like this:

mix test test/2023/day01_test.exs:123

In order to use this command, you should define it as a test environment command in your mix.exs file by defining a cli/0 function:

def cli do
    preferred_envs: ["aoc.test": :test]


mix aoc.test [options]


  • -y, --year <integer> - Year of the puzzle. Defaults to today's year or custom default.
  • -d, --day <integer> - Day of the puzzle. Defaults to today's day or custom default.
  • --trace - forward option to mix test.
  • --stale - forward option to mix test.
  • --failed - forward option to mix test.
  • --seed <integer> - forward option to mix test.
  • --max-failures <integer> - forward option to mix test.
  • --help - Displays this help.

Runs your solution with the corresponding year/day input from priv/inputs.


mix [options]


  • -y, --year <integer> - Year of the puzzle. Defaults to today's year or custom default.
  • -d, --day <integer> - Day of the puzzle. Defaults to today's day or custom default.
  • -p, --part <integer> - Part of the puzzle. Defaults to both parts.
  • -b, --benchmark - Runs the solution parts repeatedly for 5 seconds to print statistics about execution time. Defaults to false.
  • --help - Displays this help.


This task will fetch the puzzle into priv/inputs.

It will not overwrite an existing input file.


mix aoc.fetch [options]


  • -y, --year <integer> - Year of the puzzle. Defaults to today's year or custom default.
  • -d, --day <integer> - Day of the puzzle. Defaults to today's day or custom default.
  • --help - Displays this help.


Outputs the on URL for a puzzle.

Useful to use in custom shell commands.

Note that due to Elixir compilation outputs you may need to grep for the URL. For instance:

xdg-open $(mix aoc.url | grep 'https')


mix aoc.url [options]


  • -y, --year <integer> - Year of the puzzle. Defaults to today's year or custom default.
  • -d, --day <integer> - Day of the puzzle. Defaults to today's day or custom default.
  • --help - Displays this help.

Custom default values for commands

The mix aoc.set command allows to set the default year and day. Those values are used by default when other commands are not called with --year or --day options.

This is useful when working on a problem from a previous year, or when you finish the last days after December 25th, so your CLI history or bash scripts can just call mix aoc.test or mix without options.

  • mix aoc.set --year 2022 – Set the default year to 2022.
  • mix aoc.set --day 12 – Set the default day.
  • mix aoc.set --year 2022 --day 12 – Set both defaults.
  • mix aoc.set --reset --day 12 – Set the default day and delete other default values.
  • mix aoc.set --reset – Delete every default values.

Upgrading to 0.12

If you have been using this library in the past, there have been quite some changes in the way the generated files are located.

You will need to rename your modules for days 1 to 9 with a leading 0, for instance day 1:

find lib  -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/.Day1\b/.Day01\b/' {} \;
find test -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/.Day1\b/.Day01\b/' {} \;
find test -type f -exec sed -i 's/.Day1Test/.Day01Test/' {} \;

Do this for all 9 days, then call mix deps.get and mix mod.relocate -i to move your old modules.

Sorry for the inconvenience. That change was necessary to have a clean ordering of files in the solutions directories and to allow everyone to generate the modules in a directory according to their prefix.