

A particular organization of pages, written either in custom markup or raw HTML. A collection might be a set of products, or blog posts, or wiki entries. A dedicated page can be generated to show off the pages in a collection, and RSS feeds and whatnot can also be generated from the set of pages. The pages are pulled from a particular directory, and parsed and rendered a particular way, that might be different from other collections. See arctic/collection for more.

pub type Collection {
    directory: String,
    parse: fn(String) -> Result(Page),
    index: Option(fn(List(Page)) -> Element(Nil)),
    feed: Option(#(String, fn(List(Page)) -> String)),
    ordering: fn(Page, Page) -> Order,
    render: fn(Page) -> Element(Nil),
    raw_pages: List(RawPage),


  • Collection(
      directory: String,
      parse: fn(String) -> Result(Page),
      index: Option(fn(List(Page)) -> Element(Nil)),
      feed: Option(#(String, fn(List(Page)) -> String)),
      ordering: fn(Page, Page) -> Order,
      render: fn(Page) -> Element(Nil),
      raw_pages: List(RawPage),

An Arctic configuration, describing all the collections, pages, parsing rules, etc.

pub type Config {
    render_home: fn(List(ProcessedCollection)) -> Element(Nil),
    main_pages: List(RawPage),
    collections: List(Collection),


  • Config(
      render_home: fn(List(ProcessedCollection)) -> Element(Nil),
      main_pages: List(RawPage),
      collections: List(Collection),

A single page in a collection. These must have an ID to distinguish from other pages in the collection, and a body of HTML elements. Any other metadata can be added (stringly typed), and there are a variety of privileged metadata fields like .title and .date that are actual typed properties. However, these fields are optional. See arctic/page for more.

pub type Page {
    id: String,
    body: List(Element(Nil)),
    metadata: Dict(String, String),
    title: String,
    blerb: String,
    tags: List(String),
    date: Option(Time),


  • Page(
      id: String,
      body: List(Element(Nil)),
      metadata: Dict(String, String),
      title: String,
      blerb: String,
      tags: List(String),
      date: Option(Time),

A collection whose pages have been processed from the files.

pub type ProcessedCollection {
  ProcessedCollection(collection: Collection, pages: List(Page))


  • ProcessedCollection(collection: Collection, pages: List(Page))

A page that is just HTML produced by hand.

pub type RawPage {
  RawPage(id: String, html: Element(Nil))


  • RawPage(id: String, html: Element(Nil))
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