

pub fn default_parser() -> fn(String, String) ->
  Result(Page, Snag)

A simple default parser for the sorts of things you’d expect when writing markup. This also serves as a nice example of how to construct parsers.

pub fn new(dir: String) -> Collection

Produce a new collection, with default-everything and the given directory path. You can use the other functions to modify the collection. Or, collections can be produced manually with the Collection constructor from arctic.

pub fn with_feed(
  c: Collection,
  filename: String,
  render: fn(List(Page)) -> String,
) -> Collection

Add a “feed” to the collection. A feed is a special text file generated based on the elements of the collection. An RSS feed would be done this way.

pub fn with_index(
  c: Collection,
  index: fn(List(Page)) -> Element(Nil),
) -> Collection

Add an “index” to the collection. An index is a page that shows off the pages in the collection, perhaps with a search bar and/or a list of pretty thumbnails. Note that this would need to bring all the pages to the client side; Pagination and search-via-server should be done in other ways. Though this doesn’t scale well to massive numbers of pages, it’s pretty easy to swap it out with something else when the number gets too high.

pub fn with_ordering(
  c: Collection,
  ordering: fn(Page, Page) -> Order,
) -> Collection

Add an ordering to a collection. This specifies the order in which pages are listed on, say, a collection index.

pub fn with_parser(
  c: Collection,
  parser: fn(String, String) -> Result(Page, Snag),
) -> Collection

Add a parser to a collection. A parser processed the raw text and either fails with a message or produces a page. See arctic/parse for help constructing these.

pub fn with_raw_page(
  c: Collection,
  id: String,
  body: Element(Nil),
) -> Collection

Add a “raw page” to a collection. A raw page is just HTML, no parsing or processing will get applied.

pub fn with_renderer(
  c: Collection,
  renderer: fn(Page) -> Element(Nil),
) -> Collection

Add a “renderer” to a collection. A renderer is any Page->HTML function.

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