View Source Arke.System.BaseParameter (Arke v1.1.33)

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Used in the parameter macro to create the map for every parameter which have the values option. It check if the given value are the same type as the parameter type and then creates a list of map as follows

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parameter_options(opts, id, type)

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@spec parameter_options(opts :: list(), id :: atom(), type :: atom()) :: %{
  type: atom(),
  opts: list()

Used in the parameter macro to create the map for every parameter which have the values option. It check if the given value are the same type as the parameter type and then creates a list of map as follows:

 [%{label "given label", value: given_value}, %{label "given label two ", value: given_value_two}]

Keep in mind that if the values are declared as list instead of map the label will be generated from the value itself.

 ... omitted code

      parameter :custom_parameter2, :integer, required: true, values: [1, 2, 3]

 ... omitted code

The code above will results in an {arke_struct} with the values as follows

  ... omitted code

      values: [%{label "1", value: 1}, %{label "2", value: 2}, %{label "3", value: 3}]

  ... omitted code