Elixir Finite state machine

This package is inspired by ecto_fsm package

This package allows to use finite state machine pattern in elixir.

I have rewritten this library to make code simple and easier to use Install

def deps do
    {:as_fsm, "~> 2.0.0"}

## Usage

First you to define FSM module

  defmodule TaskFsm do
    use AsFsm, repo: MyApp.Repo
    # by default state is check from column `state` of struct
    # you can specify your own with
    # use AsFsm, repo: MyApp.Repo, column: :status

    # define your event
    defevent(:start, from: :idle, to: :running)
    defevent(:pause, from: :running, to: :paused)
    defevent(:stop, from: [:running, :paused], to: :idle)

    # you can define some hook
    # it is automatically invoked if defined

    def before_start(context) do
      # do something then return context

    def on_start(context) do
      # do something then return context

All appropriate event function will be generated. In this example we have

  def start(context), do: ....
  def paus(context), do: ....
  def stop(context), do: ....

Then use it

  • Trigger an even transition
  |> TaskFsm.new_context(other_params)
  |> TaskFsm.start()
  • Or trigger by name
  |> TaskFsm.new_context(other_params)
  |> TaskFsm.trigger(:start)

Understand the context

  @type :: %Context{
    struct: struct(),
    state: any(),
    valid?: boolean(),
    error: String.t() | nil,
    multi: Ecto.Multi.t() | nil
  • struct is your data

  • state any data you want to pass to transition, it could be parameter from client

  • valid? if it is true, then data will be persisted

  • error error message in case valid? is false

  • multi is an Ecto.Multi you can pass a multi to new_context(), it make sure all action you do in a transaction

    ## Event hook For each event you can define 2 hook

  • before_hook you can define this hook to check for some condition before doing transation

  • on_hook this is your hook to do some logic on transaction

    These 2 hooks must return a context. If you want to stop this transition, set valid? to false and return the context.

Custom persist struct

You can define your own function to persist struct state. This function is run within Multi so that it must return {:ok, data} | {:error, reason}

  def persist(struct, new_state, _context) do
    # do your update logic
    # or write log here


  • Custom property name by default property name is :state
defmodule ExampleFsm do

  use AsFsm,
    column: :status,