View Source Ash.Resource (ash v2.5.10)
A resource is a static definition of an entity in your system.
Resource DSL documentation: Ash.Resource.Dsl
Link to this section Summary
Returns true if the load or path to load has been loaded
Sets a loaded key or path to a key back to its original unloaded stated
Sets a list of loaded key or paths to a key back to their original unloaded stated
Link to this section Types
Link to this section Functions
Returns true if the load or path to load has been loaded
@spec unload( nil | [record()] | record() |, atom() | [atom()] ) :: nil | [record()] | record() |
Sets a loaded key or path to a key back to its original unloaded stated
@spec unload_many( nil | [record()] | record() |, [atom()] | [[atom()]] ) :: nil | [record()] | record() |
Sets a list of loaded key or paths to a key back to their original unloaded stated