View Source Ash.Reactor.Dsl.BulkUpdate (ash v3.4.55)
The bulk_update
entity for the Ash.Reactor
reactor extension.
@type t() :: %Ash.Reactor.Dsl.BulkUpdate{ __identifier__: any(), action: atom(), action_step?: true, actor: nil | Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Actor.t(), allow_stream_with: :keyset | :offset | :full_read, assume_casted?: boolean(), async?: boolean(), atomic_update: %{optional(atom()) => Ash.Expr.t()}, authorize?: boolean() | nil, authorize_changeset_with: :filter | :error, authorize_query?: boolean(), authorize_query_with: :filter | :error, batch_size: nil | pos_integer(), context: nil | Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Context.t(), description: String.t() | nil, domain: Ash.Domain.t(), filter: %{ optional(String.t()) => %{ required(String.t()) => String.t() | number() | boolean() } } | Keyword.t(Keyword.t(String.t() | number() | boolean())), initial: Reactor.Template.t(), inputs: [Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Inputs.t()], load: nil | Ash.Reactor.Dsl.ActionLoad.t(), lock: nil | Ash.DataLayer.lock_type(), max_concurrency: non_neg_integer(), name: atom(), notification_metadata: map() | Reactor.Template.t(), notify?: boolean(), page: Keyword.t(), read_action: atom(), resource: module(), return_errors?: boolean(), return_records?: boolean(), return_stream?: boolean(), reuse_values?: boolean(), rollback_on_error?: boolean(), select: [atom()], skip_unknown_inputs: [atom() | String.t()], sorted?: boolean(), stop_on_error?: boolean(), strategy: :atomic | :atomic_batches | :stream, stream_batch_size: nil | pos_integer(), stream_with: nil | :keyset | :offset | :full_read, success_state: :success | :partial_success, tenant: nil | Ash.Reactor.Dsl.Tenant.t(), timeout: nil | timeout(), transaction: :all | :batch | false, transform: term(), type: :bulk_create, undo: :never, undo_action: nil, wait_for: term() }