View Source DSL: AshAdmin.Api

An API extension to alter the behavior of an API in the admin UI.


Configure the admin dashboard for a given API.


nameString.tThe name of the API in the dashboard. Will be derived if not set.
show?booleanfalseWhether or not this API and its resources should be included in the admin dashboard.
default_resource_page:schema | :primary_read:schemaSet the default page for the resource to be the primary read action or the resource schema. Schema is the default for backwards compatibility, if a resource doesn't have a primary read action it will fallback to the schema view.
resource_group_labelskeyword[]Humanized names for each resource group to appear in the admin area. These will be used as labels in the top navigation dropdown. If a key for a group does not appear in this mapping, the label will not be rendered.