View Source DSL: AshAdmin.Resource

A resource extension to alter the behaviour of a resource in the admin UI.


Configure the admin dashboard for a given resource.

Nested DSLs


nameString.tThe proper name to use when this resource appears in the admin interface.
actor?booleanWhether or not this resource can be used as the actor for requests.
show_actionatomThe action to use when linking to the resource/viewing a single record. Defaults to the primary read action.
read_actionslist(atom)A list of read actions that can be used to show resource details. By default, all actions are included.
generic_actionslist(atom)A list of generic actions that can be used to show resource details. By default, all actions are included.
create_actionslist(atom)A list of create actions that can create records. By default, all actions are included.
update_actionslist(atom)A list of update actions that can be used to update records. By default, all actions are included.
destroy_actionslist(atom)A list of destroy actions that can be used to destroy records. By default, all actions are included.
polymorphic_tableslist(String.t)For resources that use ash_postgres' polymorphism capabilities, you can provide a list of tables that should be available to select. These will be added to the list of derivable tables based on scanning all domains and resources provided to ash_admin.
polymorphic_actionslist(atom)For resources that use ash_postgres' polymorphism capabilities, you can provide a list of actions that should require a table to be set. If this is not set, then all actions will require tables.
table_columnslist(atom)The list of attributes to render on the table view.
format_fieldslist(any)The list of fields and their formats.
relationship_display_fieldslist(atom)The list of attributes to render when this resource is shown as a relationship on another resource's datatable.
resource_groupatomThe group in the top resource dropdown that the resource appears in.
show_sensitive_fieldslist(atom)The list of fields that should not be redacted in the admin UI even if they are marked as sensitive.


Configure the appearance of fields in admin forms.

Nested DSLs


field name

Declare non-default behavior for a specific attribute.


nameatomThe name of the field to be modified


type:default | :long_text | :short_text | :markdownThe type of the value in the form. Use default if you are just specifying field order


Target: AshAdmin.Resource.Field