View Source Get Started with AshCloak


Add ash_cloak to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

{:ash_cloak, "~> 0.1.2"}

Follow the cloak getting started guide to add cloak as a dependency, as AshCloak does not add a vault implementation for you. Note that you do not need cloak_ecto because your Ash data layer will take care of this.

Alternatively you could use your own vault module that implements encrypt! and decrypt!, but we recommend using Cloak to achieve that goal. See the cloak vault guide

Add the AshCloak extension to your resource

defmodule User do
  use Ash.Resource, extensions: [AshCloak]

  cloak do
    # the vault to use to encrypt them
    vault MyApp.Vault

    # the attributes to encrypt
    attributes [:address, :phone_number]
    # This is just equivalent to always providing `load: fields` on all calls
    decrypt_by_default [:address]
    # An MFA or function to be invoked beforce any decryption
    on_decrypt fn records, field, context ->
      # Ash has policies that allow forbidding certain users to load data.
      # You should generally use those for authorization rules, and
      # only use this callback for auditing/logging.
      Audit.user_accessed_encrypted_field(records, field, context)

      if == "marty" do
        {:error, "No martys at the party!"}