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ask is a Gleam library tailored for simplifying the management of equivalences and predicates. Equivalences allow for the comparison of two values to determine if they’re equivalent, while predicates assess if a given value meets specific conditions.


ask provides developers with a set of functions to create, combine, and transform equivalences and predicates. Whether you’re performing basic value comparisons or intricate logical operations, ask furnishes the necessary tools to handle a variety of scenarios effectively.


gleam add ask



import ask/equivalence

// Defining custom equivalences
let eq1 = fn(x, y) { x % 3 == y % 3 }
let eq2 = fn(x, y) { x % 5 == y % 5 }

// Combining equivalences using logical operations
let combined_eq = equivalence.and(eq1, eq2)

// Using equivalence to compare values
let result = combined_eq(15, 30) // Returns True

Equivalences are expected to follow these friendly rules:

These rules help keep our equivalences reliable and predictable, making sure they play nice with each other.


import ask/predicate

// Defining custom predicates
let is_positive = fn(x) { x > 0 }
let is_even = fn(x) { x % 2 == 0 }

// Combining predicates using logical operations
let combined_pred = predicate.and(is_positive, is_even)

// Using predicate to evaluate values
let result = combined_pred(6) // Returns True
let result = combined_pred(-6) // Returns False


ask equips Gleam developers with a robust toolkit for managing equivalences and predicates efficiently. Whether you’re implementing algorithms, data validation systems, or decision-making processes, ask facilitates streamlined code development, allowing you to focus on problem-solving.

Further documentation can be found at


gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell
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