View Source ATECC508A (atecc508a v1.2.0)

The ATECC508A is an authentication device used for storing private keys and other data securely.

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ATECC508A compressed certificates have 16-byte serial numbers

Microchip P256 compressed certificate

A CRC16 as computed by the ATECC508A

An ECC P256 public key

ATECC508A compressed certificates use a 3-byte encoding for the validity date range.

This represents the ATECC508A 9-byte device serial number

A SHA256 hash

The serial number source for a compressed certificate

Link to this section Types

@type cert_serial_number() :: <<_::128>>

ATECC508A compressed certificates have 16-byte serial numbers

@type compressed_cert() :: <<_::576>>

Microchip P256 compressed certificate

See Atmel-8974A app note

@type crc16() :: <<_::16>>

A CRC16 as computed by the ATECC508A

@type ecc_public_key() :: <<_::512>>

An ECC P256 public key

@type encoded_dates() :: <<_::24>>

ATECC508A compressed certificates use a 3-byte encoding for the validity date range.

@type serial_number() :: <<_::72>>

This represents the ATECC508A 9-byte device serial number

@type sha256() :: <<_::256>>

A SHA256 hash

@type sn_source() :: :random | :public_key | :device_sn

The serial number source for a compressed certificate