View Source AyeSQL (AyeSQL v1.1.3)
AyeSQL is a library for using raw SQL.
Aye /ʌɪ/ exclamation (archaic dialect): said to express assent; yes.
Inspired by Clojure library Yesql, AyeSQL tries to find a middle ground between strings with raw SQL queries and SQL DSLs by:
- Keeping SQL in SQL files.
- Generating Elixir functions for every query.
- Supporting mandatory and optional named parameters.
- Allowing query composability with ease.
- Working out of the box with PostgreSQL using Ecto or Postgrex:
- Being extended to support other databases using the behaviour
Small Example
Let's say we have a
SQL query
to retrieve the click count of a certain type of link every day of the last X
days. In raw SQL this could be written as:
WITH computed_dates AS (
SELECT dates::date AS date
FROM generate_series(
current_date - $1::interval,
current_date - interval '1 day',
interval '1 day'
) AS dates
SELECT AS day, count( AS count
FROM computed_dates AS dates
LEFT JOIN clicks AS clicks ON date(clicks.inserted_at) =
WHERE clicks.link_id = $2
The equivalent query in Ecto would be:
dates = ~s(
SELECT generate_series(
current_date - ?::interval,
current_date - interval '1 day',
interval '1 day'
)::date AS d
c in "clicks",
right_join: day in fragment(dates, ^days),
on: day.d == fragment("date(?)", c.inserted_at),
where: c.link_id = ^link_id
group_by: day.d,
order_by: day.d,
select: %{
day: fragment("date(?)", day.d),
count: count(
Using fragments can get convoluted and difficult to maintain. In AyeSQL, the
equivalent would be to create an SQL file with the query e.g. queries.sql
-- name: get_day_interval
SELECT datetime::date AS date
FROM generate_series(
current_date - :days::interval, -- Named parameter :days
current_date - interval '1 day',
interval '1 day'
-- name: get_avg_clicks
-- docs: Gets average click count.
WITH computed_dates AS ( :get_day_interval ) -- Composing with another query
SELECT AS day, count( AS count
FROM computed_date AS dates
LEFT JOIN clicks AS clicks ON date(clicks.inserted_at) =
WHERE clicks.link_id = :link_id -- Named parameter :link_id
In Elixir, we would load all the queries in this file by creating the following module:
defmodule Queries do
use AyeSQL, repo: MyRepo
defqueries("queries.sql") # File name with relative path to SQL file.
or using the macro defqueries/3
import AyeSQL, only: [defqueries: 3]
defqueries(Queries, "queries.sql", repo: MyRepo)
Both approaches will create a module called Queries
with all the queries
defined in queries.sql
And then we could execute the query as follows:
iex> params = [
...> link_id: 42,
...> days: %Postgrex.Interval{secs: 864_000} # 10 days
...> ]
iex> Queries.get_avg_clicks(params)
%{day: ..., count: ...},
%{day: ..., count: ...},
%{day: ..., count: ...},
AyeSQL also allows you to choose the type of returned data structures.
Instead of the default map you can also pass an into
option to your query
possible values are:
- an empty map:
- an empty list:
- a struct
which returns the unmodified Postgrex result
iex> Queries.get_avg_clicks(params, into: [])
[day: ..., count: ...],
[day: ..., count: ...],
[day: ..., count: ...],
iex> defmodule AvgClicks do defstruct [:day, :count] end
iex> Queries.get_avg_clicks(params, into: AvgClicks)
%AvgClicks{day: ..., count: ...},
%AvgClicks{day: ..., count: ...},
%AvgClicks{day: ..., count: ...},
Uses AyeSQL
for loading queries.
By default, supports the option runner
(see AyeSQL.Runner
Any other option will be passed to the runner.
Macro to load queries from a file
Let's say we have the file lib/sql/queries.sql
with the following contents:
-- name: get_user
-- docs: Gets user by username
FROM users
WHERE username = :username;
Then we can load our queries to Elixir using the macro defqueries/1
# file: lib/queries.ex
defmodule Queries do
use AyeSQL, repo: MyRepo
or the macro defqueries/3
# file: lib/queries.ex
import AyeSQL, only: [defqueries: 3]
defqueries(Queries, "sql/queries.ex", repo: MyRepo)
And finally we can inspect the query:
iex(1)> Queries.get_user(username: "some_user", run: false)
statement: "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = $1",
arguments: ["some_user"]
or run it:
iex(1)> Queries.get_user(username: "some_user")
%{username: ..., ...}
Macro to load queries from a file
and create a module for them.
Same as defqueries/1
, but creates a module e.g for the query file
we can use this macro as follows:
# file: lib/queries.ex
import AyeSQL, only: [defqueries: 3]
defqueries(Queries, "sql/queries.sql", repo: MyRepo)
This will generate the module Queries
and it'll contain all the SQL
statements included in sql/queries.sql
@spec eval_query(binary(), AyeSQL.Lexer.options()) :: (AyeSQL.Core.parameters(), AyeSQL.Core.options() -> {:ok, AyeSQL.Query.t() | term()} | {:error, AyeSQL.Error.t() | term()}) | no_return()
Evaluates the contents
of a string with a query and generates an anonyous
function that receives parameters and options.