View Source Custom Fields

Backpex ships with a set of default fields that can be used to create content types. See Built-in Field Types for a complete list of the default fields. In addition to the default fields, you can create custom fields for more advanced use cases.

When creating your own custom field, you can use the field macro from the BackpexWeb module. It automatically implements the Backpex.Field behavior and defines some aliases and imports.


A field has to be a LiveComponent.

Creating a Custom Field

The simplest version of a custom field would look like this:

use Backpex.Field

@impl Backpex.Field
def render_value(assigns) do
    <%= HTML.pretty_value(@value) %>

@impl Backpex.Field
def render_form(assigns) do
        <Layout.input_label text={@field_options[:label]} />
        translate_error_fun={Backpex.Field.translate_error_fun(@field_options, assigns)}
        phx-debounce={Backpex.Field.debounce(@field_options, assigns)}
        phx-throttle={Backpex.Field.throttle(@field_options, assigns)}

The render_value/1 function returns markup that is used to display a value on index and show views. The render_form/1 function returns markup that is used to render a form on edit and new views.

See Backpex.Field for more information on the available callback functions. For example, you can implement render_index_form/1 to make the field editable in the index view.