backtrex v0.1.2 Backtrex behaviour

A backtracking behaviour for solving discrete computational problems.



Potential value assignment for some unknown

An assignment with a list of values left to try

A puzzle with a set of unknowns, possible assignments for each, and an invariant property

Unique identifier for an unknown in a problem

Value that could be assigned to an unknown


Updated problem with value assigned to unknown

Open questions in problem that a solution must answer

Return whether problem is in a valid state

Potential answers to an unknown in the context of a problem


assignment() :: {unknown, value}

Potential value assignment for some unknown.

assignment_search() :: {assignment, [value]}

An assignment with a list of values left to try.

problem() :: any

A puzzle with a set of unknowns, possible assignments for each, and an invariant property.

Each type of problem must have ways to:

  1. enumerate its unknowns (see Backtrex.unknowns/1),
  2. enumerate values that could be assigned to any particular unknown in a solution (see Backtrex.values/2).
  3. incorporate proposed assignments of values to unknowns (see Backtrex.assign/3), and
  4. check whether the invariant holds (see Backtrex.valid?/1).
result() :: {:ok, :solution, problem} | {:ok, :no_solution}
unknown() :: any

Unique identifier for an unknown in a problem.

value() :: any

Value that could be assigned to an unknown.


assign(problem, unknown, value)
assign(problem, unknown, value) :: problem

Updated problem with value assigned to unknown.

Assignments may be wrong in the sense that they will not lead to a solution. Backtrex maintains a copy of the original problem, and uses the Backtrex.valid?/1 callback to ensure assignments are productive.

unknowns(problem) :: [unknown]

Open questions in problem that a solution must answer.

In Sudoku this would be the puzzle’s blank cells.

valid?(problem) :: boolean

Return whether problem is in a valid state.

An invalid state means there’s no way to solve problem in its current state. This callback determines whether to march forward, tackling new unknowns, or backtrack, rewriting the provisional answers that led to this state.

values(problem, unknown)
values(problem, unknown) :: Enum.t

Potential answers to an unknown in the context of a problem.

Every cell in Sudoku, for instance, must be a number between 1 and 9, inclusive, so a Sudoku solver would return 1..9. In this case the result doesn’t depend on puzzle or unknown, but for other problems it might.