bamboo v1.0.0 Bamboo.Email View Source
Contains functions for composing emails.
Bamboo separates composing emails from delivering them. This separation emails easy to test and makes things like using a default layout, or a default from address easy to do. This module is for creating emails. To actually send them, use Bamboo.Mailer.
Handling email addresses
The from, to, cc and bcc addresses accept a string, a 2 item tuple {name, address}, or anything else that you create that implements the Bamboo.Formatter protocol. The to, cc and bcc fields can also accepts a list of any combination of strings, 2 item tuples or anything that implements the Bamboo.Formatter protocol. See Bamboo.Formatter for more info.
Simplest way to create a new email
defmodule MyApp.Email do
import Bamboo.Email
def welcome_email(user) do
from: "",
to: user,
subject: "Welcome!",
text_body: "Welcome to the app",
html_body: "<strong>Welcome to the app</strong>"
Extracting common parts (default layout, default from address, etc.)
Let’s say you want all emails to have the same from address. Here’s how you could do that
defmodule MyApp.Email do
import Bamboo.Email
def welcome_email(user) do
# Since new_email/1 returns a struct you can update it with Kernel.struct!/2
to: user,
subject: "Welcome!",
text_body: "Welcome to the app",
html_body: "<strong>Welcome to the app</strong>"
# or you can use functions to build it up step by step
|> to(user)
|> subject("Welcome!")
|> text_body("Welcome to the app")
|> html_body("<strong>Welcome to the app</strong>")
def base_email do
new_email(from: "")
Link to this section Summary
Returns a list of all recipients (to, cc and bcc)
Sets the bcc
on the email
Sets the cc
on the email
Sets the from
on the email
Gets the just the email address from a normalized email address
Sets the html_body on the email
Used to create a new email
Adds an data attachment to the email
Adds an file attachment to the email
Adds a header to the email
Adds a key/value to the private key of the email
Sets the subject on the email
Sets the text_body on the email
Sets the to
on the email
Link to this section Types
t() :: %Bamboo.Email{ assigns: %{optional(atom()) => any()}, attachments: term(), bcc: address_list(), cc: address_list(), from: term(), headers: %{optional(String.t()) => String.t()}, html_body: nil | String.t(), private: %{optional(atom()) => any()}, subject: nil | String.t(), text_body: nil | String.t(), to: address_list() }
Link to this section Functions
all_recipients(Bamboo.Email.t()) :: [address()] | no_return()
Returns a list of all recipients (to, cc and bcc).
bcc(Bamboo.Email.t(), address_list()) :: Bamboo.Email.t()
Sets the bcc
on the email.
You can pass in a string, list of strings,
or anything that implements the Bamboo.Formatter
|> bcc(["", ""])
cc(Bamboo.Email.t(), address_list()) :: Bamboo.Email.t()
Sets the cc
on the email.
You can pass in a string, list of strings,
or anything that implements the Bamboo.Formatter
|> cc(["", ""])
from(Bamboo.Email.t(), address_list()) :: Bamboo.Email.t()
Sets the from
on the email.
You can pass in a string, list of strings,
or anything that implements the Bamboo.Formatter
|> from(["", ""])
Gets the just the email address from a normalized email address
Normalized email addresses are 2 item tuples {name, address}. This gets the
address part of the tuple. Use this instead of calling elem(address, 1)
so that if Bamboo changes how email addresses are represented your code will
still work
Bamboo.Email.get_address({"Paul", ""}) # ""
Sets the html_body on the email
Used to create a new email
If called without arguments it is the same as creating an empty
struct. If called with arguments it will populate the struct
with given attributes.
# Same as %Bamboo.Email{from: ""}
new_email(from: "")
Adds an data attachment to the email
put_attachment(email, %Bamboo.Attachment{})
Requires the fields filename and data of the %Bamboo.Attachment{} struct to be set.
def create(conn, params) do
|> put_attachment(%Bamboo.Attachment{filname: "event.ics", data: "BEGIN:VCALENDAR..."})
Adds an file attachment to the email
put_attachment(email, path, opts \ [])
Accepts filename: <name>
and content_type: <type>
If you are using Plug, it accepts a Plug.Upload struct
def create(conn, params) do
|> put_attachment(params["file"])
put_header(Bamboo.Email.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: Bamboo.Email.t()
Adds a header to the email
put_header(email, "Reply-To", "")
put_private(Bamboo.Email.t(), atom(), any()) :: Bamboo.Email.t()
Adds a key/value to the private key of the email
This is mostly used to implement specific functionality for a particular adapter. It will rarely be used directly from your code. Internally this is used to set Mandrill specific params for the MandrillAdapter and it’s also used to store the view module, template and layout when using Bamboo.Phoenix.
put_private(email, :tags, "welcome-email")
Sets the subject on the email
Sets the text_body on the email
to(Bamboo.Email.t(), address_list()) :: Bamboo.Email.t()
Sets the to
on the email.
You can pass in a string, list of strings,
or anything that implements the Bamboo.Formatter
|> to(["", ""])