Bamboo.Formatter protocol (bamboo v2.0.0) View Source

Converts data to email addresses.

Implementations of the Bamboo.Formatter protocol convert a given data structure to a two item tuple of {name, address} or an address string. The opts argument is a map with the key :type and a value of :from, :to, :cc, or :bcc. The options argument allows functions to pattern match an address type and format a given data structure differently for different types of addresses.

Simple example

Let's say you have a user struct like this.

defmodule MyApp.User do
  defstruct first_name: nil, last_name: nil, email: nil

Bamboo can automatically format this struct if you implement the Bamboo.Formatter protocol.

defimpl Bamboo.Formatter, for: MyApp.User do
  # Used by `to`, `bcc`, `cc` and `from`
  def format_email_address(user, _opts) do
    fullname = "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"

Now you can create emails like this, and the user will be formatted correctly

user = %User{first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", email: ""}
Bamboo.Email.new_email(from: user)

Customize formatting based on from, to, cc or bcc

By pattern matching the opts argument, you can format a given data structure differently for different types of addresses. For example, if you want to provide the name of the app when sending email on behalf of a user, you can format the name for all type: :from addresses.

defimpl Bamboo.Formatter, for: MyApp.User do
  # Include the app name when used in a from address
  def format_email_address(user, %{type: :from}) do
    fullname = "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"
    {fullname <> " (Sent from MyApp)",}

  # Just use the name for all other types
  def format_email_address(user, _opts) do
    fullname = "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"

Link to this section Summary


Receives data and opts and returns a string or a two item tuple {name, address}

Link to this section Types


opts() :: %{optional(:type) => :from | :to | :cc | :bcc}


t() :: term()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

format_email_address(data, opts)

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Receives data and opts and returns a string or a two item tuple {name, address}

opts is a map with the key :type and a value of :from, :to, :cc or :bcc. You can pattern match on this to customize the address.