bandwidth v1.1.1
Modules summary ↑
Bandwidth | elixir-bandwidth |
Bandwidth.Client | |
Bandwidth.Resources | The Resources module is a simple abstraction of the REST resources provided by the Bandwidth Application Platform API |
Bandwidth.Resources.Account | The Account resource allows you to retrieve your current balance, transaction list, account type and all elements related to your platform account |
Bandwidth.Resources.Applications | The Applications resource lets you define call and message handling applications. You write an application on your own servers and have Bandwidth API send events to it by configuring a callback URL |
Bandwidth.Resources.AvailableNumbers | The AvailableNumbers resource lets you search for numbers that are available for use with your application |
Bandwidth.Resources.AvailableNumbers.Local | Search and order local telephone numbers |
Bandwidth.Resources.AvailableNumbers.TollFree | Search and order toll free telephone numbers |
Bandwidth.Resources.Bridges | The Bridges resource allows you to bridge two calls together allowing for two way audio between them. A common example is bridging an incoming phone call together with a outgoing phone call |
Bandwidth.Resources.Bridges.Audio | Perform audio-related actions for a specific bridge |
Bandwidth.Resources.Bridges.Calls | Manage calls associated with a bridge |
Bandwidth.Resources.Calls | The Calls resource lets you make phone calls and view information about previous inbound and outbound calls |
Bandwidth.Resources.Calls.Audio | Perform audio-related actions for a specific call |
Bandwidth.Resources.Calls.DTMF | Perform DTMF-related actions for a specific call |
Bandwidth.Resources.Calls.DTMF.Gather | Manage or create a DTMF Gather |
Bandwidth.Resources.Calls.Events | Access events associated with a specific call |
Bandwidth.Resources.Calls.Recordings | Access recordings associated with a specific call |
Bandwidth.Resources.Calls.Transcriptions | Access transcriptions associated with a specific call |
Bandwidth.Resources.Conferences | The Conferences resource allows you create conferences, add members to it, play audio, speak text, mute/unmute members, hold/unhold members and other things related to conferencing. Once a conference is created there is no timeout associated with it, i.e., the conference will stay in created state until it is explicitly terminated. After the last member of a conference is removed from it, the conference will be set automatically as completed |
Bandwidth.Resources.Conferences.Audio | Perform audio-related actions for a conference |
Bandwidth.Resources.Conferences.Members | Manage conference members |
Bandwidth.Resources.Conferences.Members.Audio | Perform audio-related actions for a specific conference member |
Bandwidth.Resources.Messages | The Messages resource lets you send SMS/MMS messages and view messages that were previously sent or received |