🛁 Bath

Package Version Hex Docs

Bath is a generic resource pool for Gleam. It can be used to manage a pool of any value, such as database connections, file handles, or other resources.


gleam add bath@2


import bath
import fake_db

pub fn main() {
  // Create a pool of 10 connections to some fictional database.
  let assert Ok(pool) =
    bath.new(fn() { fake_db.connect() })
    |> bath.with_size(10)
    |> bath.with_shutdown(fn(conn) { fake_db.close(conn) })
    |> bath.start(1000)

  // Use the pool. Shown here in a block to use `use`.
  let assert Ok("Hello!") = {
    use conn <- bath.apply(pool, 1000)
    // Do stuff with the connection...

  // Close the pool.
  let assert Ok(_) = bath.shutdown(pool, fn(conn) { fake_db.close(conn) }, 1000)

Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/bath.


gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests
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