

An error returned when failing to apply a function to a pooled resource.

pub type ApplyError {


  • NoResourcesAvailable

    There are no resources available in the pool.

  • CheckoutTimeout

    The checkout timeout expired.

An error returned when creating a Pool.

pub type InitError(resource_create_error) {


  • StartError(actor.StartError)

    The actor failed to start.

  • ResourceCreateError(resource_create_error)

    The resource creation function failed.

A resource pool.

pub opaque type Pool(resource_type)

An error returned when the resource pool fails to shut down.

pub type ShutdownError {
  CalleeDown(reason: dynamic.Dynamic)


  • ResourcesInUse

    There are still resources checked out. Ignore this failure case by calling force_shutdown function.

  • ShutdownTimeout

    The shutdown timeout expired.

  • CalleeDown(reason: dynamic.Dynamic)

    The pool was already down or failed to send the response message.


pub fn apply(
  pool: Pool(a),
  timeout: Int,
  next: fn(a) -> b,
) -> Result(b, ApplyError)

Check out a resource from the pool, apply the next function, then check the resource back in.

let assert Ok(pool) = bath.init(10, fn() { Ok("Some pooled resource") })

use resource <- bath.apply(pool, 1000)
// Do stuff with resource...
pub fn force_shutdown(
  pool: Pool(a),
  resource_shutdown_function: fn(a) -> Nil,
) -> Nil

Shut down the pool, calling the resource_shutdown_function on each resource in the pool.

Will not fail, even if resources are checked out, and will call the resource_shutdown_function on both checked in and checked out resources.

pub fn init(
  size: Int,
  resource_create_function: fn() -> Result(a, b),
) -> Result(Pool(a), InitError(b))

Start a new resource pool.

// Creates a pool with 10 strings.
let assert Ok(pool) = bath.init(10, fn() { Ok("Some pooled resource") })
pub fn shutdown(
  pool: Pool(a),
  resource_shutdown_function: fn(a) -> Nil,
  timeout: Int,
) -> Result(Nil, ShutdownError)

Shut down the pool, calling the resource_shutdown_function on each resource in the pool.

Will fail if there are still resources checked out.

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