

An error returned when failing to apply a function to a pooled resource.

pub type ApplyError(resource_create_error) {


  • NoResourcesAvailable
  • CheckOutResourceCreateError(resource_create_error)
  • CheckOutTimeout

The strategy used to check out a resource from the pool.

pub type CheckoutStrategy {


  • FIFO
  • LIFO

How to create resources in the pool. Lazy will create resources when required (i.e. the pool is empty but has extra capacity), while Eager will create the maximum number of resources upfront.

pub type CreationStrategy {


  • Lazy
  • Eager

A message sent to the pool actor.

pub opaque type Msg(resource_type, resource_create_error)

The interface for interacting with a pool of resources in Bath.

pub opaque type Pool(resource_type, resource_create_error)

Configuration for a Pool.

pub opaque type PoolConfig(resource_type, resource_create_error)

An error returned when the resource pool fails to shut down.

pub type ShutdownError {
  CalleeDown(reason: dynamic.Dynamic)


  • ResourcesInUse

    There are still resources checked out. Ignore this failure case by calling shutdown function with force set to True.

  • ShutdownTimeout

    The shutdown timeout expired.

  • CalleeDown(reason: dynamic.Dynamic)

    The pool was already down or failed to send the response message.

An error returned when creating a Pool.

pub type StartError(resource_create_error) {


  • PoolStartResourceCreateError(resource_create_error)
  • ActorStartError(actor.StartError)

Pool actor state.

pub opaque type State(resource_type, resource_create_error)


pub fn apply(
  pool pool: Pool(a, b),
  timeout timeout: Int,
  next next: fn(a) -> c,
) -> Result(c, ApplyError(b))

Check out a resource from the pool, apply the next function, then check the resource back in.

let assert Ok(pool) = { Ok("Some pooled resource") })
  |> bath.start(1000)

use resource <- bath.apply(pool, 1000)
// Do stuff with resource...
pub fn child_spec(
  config pool_config: PoolConfig(a, b),
  timeout init_timeout: Int,
) -> Result(Spec(State(a, b), Msg(a, b)), StartError(b))

Create a child actor spec pool actor, for use in your application’s supervision tree, using the given PoolConfig. Once the pool is started, use from_subject to create a Pool from the Subject(bath.Msg(a, b)).

pub fn from_subject(
  subject subject: Subject(Msg(a, b)),
) -> Pool(a, b)

Create a Pool from a Subject(bath.Msg(a, b)). Useful when creating a pool as part of a supervision tree via the child_spec function.

pub fn new(
  resource create_resource: fn() -> Result(a, b),
) -> PoolConfig(a, b)

Create a new PoolConfig for creating a pool of resources.

import bath
import fake_db

pub fn main() {
  // Create a pool of 10 connections to some fictional database.
  let assert Ok(pool) = { fake_db.connect() })
    |> bath.with_size(10)
    |> bath.start(1000)

Default values

shutdown_resourcefn(_resource) { Nil }
pub fn shutdown(
  pool pool: Pool(a, b),
  force force: Bool,
  timeout timeout: Int,
) -> Result(Nil, ShutdownError)

Shut down the pool, calling the shutdown_function on each resource in the pool. Calling with force set to True will force the shutdown, not calling the shutdown_function on any resources.

Will fail if there are still resources checked out, unless force is True.

pub fn start(
  config pool_config: PoolConfig(a, b),
  timeout init_timeout: Int,
) -> Result(Pool(a, b), StartError(b))

Start a pool actor using the given PoolConfig and return a Pool.

pub fn with_checkout_strategy(
  config pool_config: PoolConfig(a, b),
  strategy checkout_strategy: CheckoutStrategy,
) -> PoolConfig(a, b)

Change the checkout strategy for the pool. Defaults to FIFO.

pub fn with_creation_strategy(
  config pool_config: PoolConfig(a, b),
  strategy creation_strategy: CreationStrategy,
) -> PoolConfig(a, b)

Change the resource creation strategy for the pool. Defaults to Lazy.

pub fn with_shutdown(
  config pool_config: PoolConfig(a, b),
  shutdown shutdown_resource: fn(a) -> Nil,
) -> PoolConfig(a, b)

Set a shutdown function to be run for each resource when the pool exits.

pub fn with_size(
  config pool_config: PoolConfig(a, b),
  size size: Int,
) -> PoolConfig(a, b)

Set the pool size. Defaults to 10.

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