

A Battlesnake on the board.

pub type Battlesnake {
    id: String,
    name: String,
    health: Int,
    body: List(Position),
    latency: String,
    head: Position,
    length: Int,
    shout: String,
    squad: String,
    customizations: Customizations,


  • Battlesnake(
      id: String,
      name: String,
      health: Int,
      body: List(Position),
      latency: String,
      head: Position,
      length: Int,
      shout: String,
      squad: String,
      customizations: Customizations,


    • id

      Unique identifier for this Battlesnake in the context of the current game.

    • name

      Name given to this Battlesnake by its author.

    • health

      Health value of this Battlesnake, between 0 and 100 inclusively.

    • body

      List of coordinates representing this Battlesnake’s location on the game board. This list is ordered from head to tail.

    • latency

      The previous response time of this Battlesnake, in milliseconds. If the Battlesnake timed out and failed to respond, the game timeout will be returned (game.timeout).

    • head

      Coordinates for this Battlesnake’s head. Equivalent to the first element of the body list.

    • length

      Length of this Battlesnake from head to tail. Equivalent to the length of the body list.

    • shout

      Message shouted by this Battlesnake on the previous turn.

    • squad

      The squad that the Battlesnake belongs to. Used to identify squad members in Squad Mode games.

    • customizations

      The collection of customizations that control how this Battlesnake is displayed.

pub type Board {
    height: Int,
    width: Int,
    food: List(Position),
    hazards: List(Position),
    snakes: List(Battlesnake),


  • Board(
      height: Int,
      width: Int,
      food: List(Position),
      hazards: List(Position),
      snakes: List(Battlesnake),


    • height

      The number of rows in the y-axis of the game board.

    • width

      The number of columns in the x-axis of the game board.

    • food

      List of coordinates representing food locations on the game board.

    • hazards

      List of coordinates representing hazardous locations on the game board.

    • snakes

      Array of Battlesnake Objects representing all Battlesnakes remaining on the game board (including yourself if you haven’t been eliminated).

The collection of customizations that control how this Battlesnake is displayed.

pub type Customizations {
  Customizations(color: String, head: String, tail: String)


  • Customizations(color: String, head: String, tail: String)

Holds general information about the current game.

pub type Game {
    id: String,
    ruleset: Ruleset,
    map: String,
    timeout: Int,
    source: String,


  • Game(
      id: String,
      ruleset: Ruleset,
      map: String,
      timeout: Int,
      source: String,


    • id

      A unique identifier for this game.

    • ruleset

      Information about the ruleset being used to run this game.

    • map

      The name of the map being played on.

    • timeout

      How much time your snake has to respond to requests for this game in milliseconds.

    • source

      The source of this game. One of:

      • “tournament”
      • “league” (for League Arenas)
      • “arena” (for all other Arenas)
      • “challenge”
      • “custom” (for all other games sources)

      The values for this field may change in the near future.

This gets sent by the server every time a game starts, ends, or a turn is requested.

pub type GameState {
    game: Game,
    turn: Int,
    board: Board,
    you: Battlesnake,


  • GameState(game: Game, turn: Int, board: Board, you: Battlesnake)


    • turn

      Turn number (starting at 0 for new games).

A position on the game board. (0,0) is in the bottom left.

pub type Position {
  Position(x: Int, y: Int)


  • Position(x: Int, y: Int)

Ruleset settings for the Royale gamemode.

pub type RoyaleSettings {
  RoyaleSettings(shrink_every_n_turns: Int)


  • RoyaleSettings(shrink_every_n_turns: Int)


    • shrink_every_n_turns

      In Royale mode, the number of turns between generating new hazards (shrinking the safe board space).

pub type Ruleset {
    name: String,
    version: String,
    settings: RulesetSettings,


  • Ruleset(name: String, version: String, settings: RulesetSettings)


    • name

      Name of the ruleset being used to run this game.

    • version

      The release version of the Rules module used in this game.

    • settings

      A collection of specific settings being used by the current game that control how the rules are applied.

A collection of specific settings being used by the current game that control how the rules are applied.

pub type RulesetSettings {
    food_spawn_chance: Int,
    minimum_food: Int,
    hazard_damage_per_turn: Int,
    royale: RoyaleSettings,
    squad: SquadSettings,


  • RulesetSettings(
      food_spawn_chance: Int,
      minimum_food: Int,
      hazard_damage_per_turn: Int,
      royale: RoyaleSettings,
      squad: SquadSettings,


    • food_spawn_chance

      Percentage chance of spawning a new food every round.

    • minimum_food

      Minimum food to keep on the board every turn.

    • hazard_damage_per_turn

      Health damage a snake will take when ending its turn in a hazard. This stacks on top of the regular 1 damage a snake takes per turn.

    • royale

      Ruleset settings for the Royale gamemode.

    • squad

      Ruleset settings for the Squad gamemode.

Ruleset settings for the Squad gamemode.

pub type SquadSettings {
    allow_body_collisions: Bool,
    shared_elimination: Bool,
    shared_health: Bool,
    shared_length: Bool,


  • SquadSettings(
      allow_body_collisions: Bool,
      shared_elimination: Bool,
      shared_health: Bool,
      shared_length: Bool,


    • allow_body_collisions

      In Squad mode, allow members of the same squad to move over each other without dying.

    • shared_elimination

      In Squad mode, all squad members are eliminated when one is eliminated.

    • shared_health

      In Squad mode, all squad members share health.

    • shared_length

      In Squad mode, all squad members share length.

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