View Source BeamLangsMetaData.Json (BeamLangsMetaData v0.2.1)

Provides meta-data for BEAM languages in JSON format.

So far the only two supported languages are Elixir and Erlang/OTP.

The data provided by this module in a string of the JSON files. For the same data represented in Elixir data stuctures check the BeamLangsMetaData module.

The information in this module is regularly updated, and stored with every new release of this library. This library does not download information neither at compile time nor at run time.

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Returns a JSON string containing the compatibilty table between Elixir and Erlang/OTP.

Returns a JSON string containing the Elixir releases data.

Returns a JSON string containing the Erlang/OTP releases.

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compatibility_elixir_otp() :: json()

Returns a JSON string containing the compatibilty table between Elixir and Erlang/OTP.

See the documentation for BeamLangsMetaData.compatibility/1 for more information.


> BeamLangsMetaData.Json.compatibility_elixir_otp()
"{\n  \"1.0\": [17],\n  \"1.0.5\": [17, 18]," <> ...


elixir_releases() :: json()

Returns a JSON string containing the Elixir releases data.

See the documentation for BeamLangsMetaData.elixir_releases/0 for more information.


> BeamLangsMetaData.Json.elixir_releases()
"[\n  {\n    \"url\": \"" <> ...


otp_releases() :: json()

Returns a JSON string containing the Erlang/OTP releases.

See the documentation for BeamLangsMetaData.otp_releases/0 for more information.


> BeamLangsMetaData.Json.otp_releases()
"[\n  {\n    \"latest\": {\n      \"readme\": " <> ...