View Source BeamLangsMetaData (BeamLangsMetaData v0.2.1)

Provides meta-data for BEAM languages.

Currently Elixir and Erlang/OTP are supported.

The information in this module is regularly updated, and stored with every new release of this library. This library does not download information neither at compile time nor at run time.

Link to this section Summary


A pair between two projects, used in compatibility/1.

Elixir release data.

A string that represents an Elixir version.

A file name

A Git tag or a branch name.

A non-empty keyword list.

Erlang/OTP release data.

A string representation of an Erlang/OTP version.

An integer that represents a major Erlang/OTP version.

Elixir release data asset.

A string that represents an iso8601 timestamp.

A string that represents a URL.

A string that represents an Semver version.


Returns a compatibilty table between Elixir and Erlang/OTP, and viceversa.

Returns Elixir releases data, including final and pre-releases.

Returns Erlang/OTP releases data, including final and pre-releases.

Link to this section Types


compatibility_pair() :: {:elixir, :otp} | {:otp, :elixir}

A pair between two projects, used in compatibility/1.

For example: {:elixir, :otp} represents the compatibility between the Elixir and the OTP/Erlang versions.


elixir_release_data() :: %{
  assets: [release_data_asset(), ...],
  assets_url: url(),
  body: String.t(),
  created_at: timestamp_string(),
  draft: boolean(),
  release_url: url(),
  id: pos_integer(),
  name: version_string(),
  node_id: String.t(),
  prerelease: boolean(),
  published_at: timestamp_string(),
  tag_name: git_tag(),
  tarball_url: url(),
  target_commitish: git_tag(),
  upload_url: url(),
  url: url(),
  zipball_url: url()

Elixir release data.

This data is extracted from Github JSON release file and is stripped down and slightly modified.


elixir_version_key() :: String.t()

A string that represents an Elixir version.

It does not necessarily need to be a full version, it could be "MAJOR.MINOR" or "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH", for example: "1.2" or "1.2.3".


file_name() :: String.t()

A file name

For example: "".


git_tag() :: String.t()

A Git tag or a branch name.

For example: "v1.13" or "OTP-24.0-rc3".

Link to this type

nonempty_keyword(key, value)

View Source


nonempty_keyword(key, value) :: [{key, value}, ...]

A non-empty keyword list.


otp_download_key() :: :doc_html | :doc_man | :readme | :source | :win32 | :win64


otp_release_data() ::
    created_at: timestamp_string(),
    name: otp_version(),
    tag_name: git_tag(),
    tarball_url: url()
  | %{
      :assets => [release_data_asset()],
      :assets_url => url(),
      :body => String.t(),
      :created_at => timestamp_string(),
      :draft => boolean(),
      :id => pos_integer(),
      :name => otp_version(),
      :node_id => String.t(),
      :prerelease => boolean(),
      :published_at => timestamp_string(),
      :release_url => url(),
      :tag_name => git_tag(),
      :tarball_url => url(),
      :target_commitish => git_tag(),
      :upload_url => url(),
      :url => url(),
      :zipball_url => url(),
      optional(:download_urls) => %{required(otp_download_key()) => url()}

Erlang/OTP release data.


otp_version() :: String.t()

A string representation of an Erlang/OTP version.

For example: ""


otp_version_key() :: non_neg_integer()

An integer that represents a major Erlang/OTP version.

For example: 24.


release_data_asset() :: %{
  download_url: url(),
  content_type: String.t(),
  created_at: timestamp_string(),
  id: pos_integer(),
  label: nil | String.t(),
  name: file_name(),
  node_id: String.t(),
  size: non_neg_integer(),
  state: String.t(),
  url: url()

Elixir release data asset.

This data is extracted from Github JSON release file and is stripped down and slightly modified.


timestamp_string() :: String.t()

A string that represents an iso8601 timestamp.

For example: "2021-11-22T09:04:55Z".


url() :: String.t()

A string that represents a URL.

For example: "".


version_string() :: String.t()

A string that represents an Semver version.

For example: "1.2.3-rc.4".

Link to this section Functions


compatibility({:elixir, :otp}) :: %{
  required(elixir_version_key()) => [otp_version_key(), ...]
compatibility({:otp, :elixir}) :: %{
  required(otp_version_key()) => [elixir_version_key(), ...]

Returns a compatibilty table between Elixir and Erlang/OTP, and viceversa.

The information provided is based on the page Compatibility between Elixir and Erlang/OTP.


> BeamLangsMetaData.compatibility({:elixir, :otp})
  "1.0" => [17],
  "1.0.5" => [17, 18],
  "1.1" => [17, 18],
  "1.10" => [21, 22],
  "1.10.3" => [21, 22, 23],
  "1.11" => [21, 22, 23],
  "1.11.4" => [21, 22, 23, 24],
  "1.12" => [22, 23, 24],
  "1.13" => [22, 23, 24],

> BeamLangsMetaData.compatibility({:elixir, :otp})
  17 => ["1.0", "1.1"],
  18 => ["1.0.5", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5"],
  19 => ["1.2.6", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7"],
  20 => ["1.4.5", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9"],
  21 => ["1.10", "1.11", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9"],
  22 => ["1.10", "1.11", "1.12", "1.13", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9"],
  23 => ["1.10.3", "1.11", "1.12", "1.13"],
  24 => ["1.11.4", "1.12", "1.13"]


elixir_releases() ::
    major_minor_version :: atom(),
      latest: version_string(),
        nonempty_keyword(elixir_version :: atom(), elixir_release_data())

Returns Elixir releases data, including final and pre-releases.

The data is a stripped down version of the Elixir releases JSON files from GitHub, decoded into a list of maps.

NOTE: The information that gets updated in run time is removed such as number of downloads and reactions. Currently "updated_at" is also removed, but it will be included when a mechanism to check for udpated in any part of the JSON files is implemented. As of now, only the new entries are added to this functions, so if there is any correction in a previously entered entry it will not be updated.

The sources of this data can be found


> BeamLangsMetaData.elixir_releases()
  "1.13": %{
    latest: "1.13.0",
    releases: [
      "1.13.0": %{
        assets: [
            content_type: "application/zip",
            created_at: "2021-12-03T18:25:36Z",
            id: 50_943_934,
            label: nil,
            name: "",
            node_id: "RA_kwDOABLXGs4DCVe-",
            size: 6_230_020,
            state: "uploaded",
            url: ""
            content_type: ...,
            created_at: ...,
            download_url: ...,
            id: ...,
            label: ...,
            name: ...,
            node_id: ...,
            size: ...,
            state: ...,
            url: ...
        assets_url: "",
          "Announcement:\r\n\r\n" <> ...,
        created_at: "2021-12-03T18:03:54Z",
        draft: false,
        id: 54_599_470,
        name: "1.13.0",
        node_id: "RE_kwDOABLXGs4DQR8u",
        prerelease: false,
        published_at: "2021-12-03T18:25:51Z",
        release_url: "",
        tag_name: "v1.13.0",
        tarball_url: "",
        target_commitish: "main",
        url: "",
        zipball_url: ""
      "1.13.0-rc.1": %{
        assets: [
        assets_url: ...,
        body: ...,
        created_at: ...,
        draft: ...,
        id: ...,
        name: ...,
        node_id: ...,
        prerelease: ...,
        published_at: ...,
        release_url: ...,
        tag_name: ...,
        tarball_url: ...,
        target_commitish: ...,
        upload_url: ...,
        url: ...,
        zipball_url: ...
      "1.13.0-rc.0": %{...}
  "1.12": %{
    latest: "1.12.3",
    releases: [
      "1.12.3": %{
        assets: [
        assets_url: ...,
        body: ...,
        created_at: ...,
        draft: ...,
        id: ...,
        name: ...,
        node_id: ...,
        prerelease: ...,
        published_at: ...,
        release_url: ...,
        tag_name: ...,
        tarball_url: ...,
        target_commitish: ...,
        upload_url: ...,
        url: ...,
        zipball_url: ...
      "1.12.2": %{...},
      "1.12.1": %{...},
      "1.12.0": %{...},
      "1.12.0-rc.1": %{...},
      "1.12.0-rc.0": %{...},
  "1.11": %{
    latest: "1.11.4",
    releases: [...],
 "1.0": %{
    latest: "1.0.5",
    releases: [...],


otp_releases() ::
    major_version :: atom(),
      latest: otp_version(),
      releases: nonempty_keyword(otp_version :: atom(), otp_release_data())

Returns Erlang/OTP releases data, including final and pre-releases.


> BeamLangsMetaData.otp_releases()
  "24": %{
    latest: "24.2.1",
    releases: [
      "24.2.1": %{
        assets: [
            content_type: "text/plain",
            created_at: "2022-01-25T17:22:17Z",
            download_url: "",
            id: 54_929_204,
            label: "",
            name: "SHA256.txt",
            node_id: "RA_kwDOAAW4j84DRic0",
            size: 347,
            state: "uploaded",
            url: ""
            content_type: "application/x-msdownload",
            created_at: ...,
            download_url: "",
            id: ...,
            label: "",
            name: "otp_win64_24.2.1.exe",
            node_id: ...,
            size: ...,
            state: ...,
            url: ...
        assets_url: "",
          "```\nPatch Package:           OTP 24.2.1\nGit Tag:" <> ...,
        created_at: "2022-01-22T08:41:48Z",
        draft: false,
        id: 57_941_240,
        name: "24.2.1",
        node_id: "RE_kwDOAAW4j84DdBz4",
        prerelease: false,
        published_at: "2022-01-25T17:12:12Z",
        release_url: "",
        tag_name: "OTP-24.2.1",
        tarball_url: "",
        target_commitish: "master",
        url: "",
        zipball_url: ""
      "24.2": %{
        assets: [
        assets_url: ...,
        body: ...,
        created_at: ...,
        draft: ...,
        id: ...,
        name: ...,
        node_id: ...,
        prerelease: ...,
        published_at: ...,
        release_url: ...,
        tag_name: ...,
        tarball_url: ...,
        target_commitish: ...,
        upload_url: ...,
        url: ...,
        zipball_url: ...
      "24.1.7": %{...},
      "24.1.6": %{...},
      "24.0": %{...},
      "24.0-rc3": %{...},
  "23": %{
    latest: "23.3.4",
    releases: [...]