View Source BEAMNotify (beam_notify v1.1.1)

Send a message to the BEAM from a shell script



Callback for dispatching notifications

BEAMNotify takes the following options


Return the path to beam_notify

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Return the OS environment needed to call $BEAM_NOTIFY

Start the BEAMNotify message receiver


@type dispatcher() :: ([String.t()], %{required(String.t()) => String.t()} -> :ok)

Callback for dispatching notifications

BEAMNotify calls the dispatcher function whenever a message comes in. The first parameter is the list of arguments passed to $BEAM_NOTIFY. The second argument is a map containing environment variables. Whether or not the map is populated depends on the options to start_link/1.

@type options() :: [
  name: binary() | atom(),
  path: Path.t(),
  mode: non_neg_integer(),
  dispatcher: dispatcher(),
  report_env: boolean(),
  recbuf: non_neg_integer()

BEAMNotify takes the following options

  • :name - a unique name for this notifier. This is required if you expect to run multiple BEAMNotify GenServers at a time.
  • :dispatcher - a function to call when a notification comes in
  • :path - the path to use for the named socket. A path in the system temporary directory is the default.
  • :mode - the permissions to apply to the socket. Should be an octal number eg: 0o660 for read/write owner/group, no access to everyone else
  • :report_env - set to true to report environment variables in addition to commandline argument. Defaults to false
  • :recbuf - receive buffer size. If you're sending a particular large amount of data and getting errors from :erlang.binary_to_term(data), try making this bigger. Defaults to 8192.


@spec bin_path() :: Path.t()

Return the path to beam_notify

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec env(pid() | binary() | atom() | keyword()) :: Enumerable.t()

Return the OS environment needed to call $BEAM_NOTIFY

This returns a map that can be passed directly to System.cmd/3 via its :env option.

This function can be passed different things based on what's convenient.

  1. If you're setting up child_spec's for a supervision tree and need the environment to pass in another child_spec, call this with the same options that you'd pass to start_link/1. This is a very common use.

  2. If you called start_link/1 manually and have the pid, call it with the pid.

  3. If you only have the name that was passed to start_link/1, then call it with the name. The name alone is insufficient for returning the $BEAM_NOTIFY_OPTIONS environment variable, so the BEAMNotify GenServer must be running. If you're in a chicken-and-egg situation where you're setting up a supervision tree, but it hasn't been started yet, see option 1.

@spec start_link(options()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Start the BEAMNotify message receiver