Beaver.MLIR.ExecutionEngine (beaver v0.4.0)
This module defines functions working with MLIR ExecutionEngine.
Create a MLIR JIT engine for a module and check if successful. Usually this module should be of LLVM dialect.
invoke a function by symbol name.
@type dirty() :: nil | :io_bound | :cpu_bound
@type invoke_opts() :: [{:dirty, dirty()}]
@type object_dump() :: boolean()
@type opt_level() :: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
@type opts() :: [ shared_lib_paths: [shared_lib_path()], opt_level: opt_level(), object_dump: object_dump() ]
@type t() :: %Beaver.MLIR.ExecutionEngine{ref: term()}
Create a MLIR JIT engine for a module and check if successful. Usually this module should be of LLVM dialect.
@spec create!(Beaver.MLIR.Module.t(), opts()) :: t()
@spec invoke!( t(), String.t() | Beaver.MLIR.StringRef.t(), list(), any(), invoke_opts() ) :: :ok
invoke a function by symbol name.