BexioApiClient.Accounting.CalendarYear (bexio_api_client v0.6.4)

Bexio Calendar Year Module.

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Bexio Calendar Year

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@type t() :: %BexioApiClient.Accounting.CalendarYear{
  created_at: DateTime.t(),
  end: Date.t(),
  id: integer(),
  start: Date.t(),
  updated_at: DateTime.t(),
  vat_accounting_method: :effect | :net_tax | nil,
  vat_accounting_type: :agreed | :collected | nil,
  vat_subject?: boolean()

Bexio Calendar Year



  • :id - automatic id given by bexio
  • :start - Start date of the calendar year
  • :end - End date of the calendar year
  • :vat_subject? - Determines if the calendar year is vat subjected or not
  • :created_at - Creation date of the calendar year
  • :updated_at - Last time when calendar year was updated
  • :vat_accounting_method - VAT accounting method (effective or net_tax), null if not subjected to vat
  • :vat_accounting_type - VAT accounting type (agreed or collected), null if not subjected to vat