bh v0.0.16 Bh View Source
Twitter Bootstrap 4 & Twitter Bootstrap 3 helpers for Phoenix.
This package is designed to minimize repetitive code and the amount of HTML markup in your project's source code.
NOTE: Please, keep in mind, that Twitter Bootstrap source files are not included into the package and should be installed separately.
Live examples
Real live examples can be found on the site of the Project.
Add this package to the list of dependencies in your project's mix.exs
def deps do
[{:bh, "~> 0.0.16"}]
Use use Bh
in your view file to import all Bootstrap 4 (which is
default) helpers at once:
defmodule YourApp.SomeView do
use YourApp.Web, :view
use Bh
If you want to use Bootstrap 3 helpers, you have to pass an extra option like this:
defmodule YourApp.SomeView do
use YourApp.Web, :view
use Bh, bootstrap: 3
NOTE: keep in mind, that Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 helpers can have different APIs and may be not compatible, so check documentation or live examples.
Now you can use all helpers directly calling bh_label/1
, bh_label/2
If you need Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 3 standard label, instead of adding this HTML to your code (both versions of Bootstrap have the same markup for simple labels):
<span class="label label-default">Default label</span>
you can simply use helper for this:
<%= bh_label "Default label" %>
Or if you need contextual label pill for Bootstrap 4 only, you can use
function having specified also its context:
<%= bh_label_pill "Danger pill label", context: :danger %>
Which will result in such markup:
<span class="label label-pill label-danger">Danger pill label</span>