

pub fn main() -> Nil

Deprecated: 🚨 This is the entry point of the CLI tool. You should never call this function yourself, you should run `gleam run -m birdie` instead. Expect this function to disappear from the public API on future releases!

pub fn snap(content content: String, title title: String) -> Nil

Performs a snapshot test with the given title, saving the content to a new snapshot file. All your snapshots will be stored in a folder called birdie_snapshots in the project’s root.

The test will fail if there already is an accepted snapshot with the same title and a different content. The test will also fail if there’s no accepted snapshot with the same title to make sure you will review new snapshots as well.

To review all your snapshots interactively you can run gleam run -m birdie.

To get an help text and all the available options you can run gleam run -m birdie help.

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