

pub fn main() -> Nil

Reviews the snapshots in the project’s folder. This function will behave differently depending on the command line arguments provided to the program. To have a look at all the available options you can run gleam run -m birdie help.

🐦‍⬛ The recommended workflow is to first run your gleeunit tests with gleam test and then review any new/failing snapshot manually running gleam run -m birdie.

And don’t forget to commit your snapshots! Those should be treated as code and checked with the vcs you’re using.

pub fn snap(content content: String, title title: String) -> Nil

Performs a snapshot test with the given title, saving the content to a new snapshot file. All your snapshots will be stored in a folder called birdie_snapshots in the project’s root.

The test will fail if there already is an accepted snapshot with the same title and a different content. The test will also fail if there’s no accepted snapshot with the same title to make sure you will review new snapshots as well.

🚨 A snapshot is saved to a file named after its title, so all titles should be unique! Otherwise you’d end up comparing unrelated snapshots.

🐦‍⬛ To review all your snapshots interactively you can run gleam run -m birdie.

To get an help text and all the available options you can run gleam run -m birdie help.

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