pub fn accurate_decompose(
duration: Duration,
) -> List(#(Int, Unit))
Use this if you need very long durations where small inaccuracies could lead to large errors
pub fn accurate_new(values: List(#(Int, Unit))) -> Duration
Use this if you need very long durations where small inaccuracies could lead to large errors
pub fn blur(duration: Duration) -> #(Int, Unit)
approximates the duration by a value in a single unit
pub fn decompose(duration: Duration) -> List(#(Int, Unit))
Use this if you need short durations where a year just means 365 days and a month just means 30 days
pub fn new(values: List(#(Int, Unit))) -> Duration
Use this if you need short durations where a year just means 365 days and a month just means 30 days
pub fn parse(expression: String) -> Result(Duration, Nil)
You can use this function to create a new duration using expressions like:
"accurate: 1 Year - 2days + 152M -1h + 25 years + 25secs"
where the units are:
Year: y, Y, YEAR, years, Years, ...
Month: mon, Month, mONths, ...
Week: w, W, Week, weeks, ...
Day: d, D, day, Days, ...
Hour: h, H, Hour, Hours, ...
Minute: m, M, Min, minute, Minutes, ...
Second: s, S, sec, Secs, second, Seconds, ...
MilliSecond: ms, Msec, mSecs, milliSecond, MilliSecond, ...
Numbers with no unit are considered as microseconds.
Specifying accurate:
is equivalent to using accurate_new