

pub type Duration {


  • Duration(Int)
pub type Unit {


  • MicroSecond
  • MilliSecond
  • Second
  • Minute
  • Hour
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Year


pub fn accurate_decompose(
  duration: Duration,
) -> List(#(Int, Unit))

use this if you need very long durations where small inaccuracies could lead to large errors

pub fn accurate_new(values: List(#(Int, Unit))) -> Duration

use this if you need very long durations where small inaccuracies could lead to large errors

pub fn add(a: Duration, b: Duration) -> Duration
pub fn blur(duration: Duration) -> #(Int, Unit)

approximates the duration by a value in a single unit

pub fn blur_to(duration: Duration, unit: Unit) -> Int

approximates the duration by only the given unit

if the duration is not an integer multiple of the unit, the remainder will be disgarded if it’s less than two thirds of the unit, otherwise a single unit will be added to the multiplier.

  • blur_to(days(16), Month) -> 0
  • blur_to(days(20), Month) -> 1
pub fn compare(a: Duration, b: Duration) -> Order
pub fn days(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn decompose(duration: Duration) -> List(#(Int, Unit))

use this if you need short durations where a year just means 365 days and a month just means 30 days

pub fn hours(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn micro_seconds(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn milli_seconds(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn minutes(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn months(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn new(values: List(#(Int, Unit))) -> Duration

use this if you need short durations where a year just means 365 days and a month just means 30 days

pub fn parse(expression: String) -> Result(Duration, Nil)

you can use this function to create a new duration using expressions like:

"accurate: 1 Year - 2days + 152M -1h + 25 years + 25secs"

where the units are:

Year:         y, Y, YEAR, years, Years, ...

Month:        mon, Month, mONths, ...

Week:         w, W, Week, weeks, ...

Day:          d, D, day, Days, ...

Hour:         h, H, Hour, Hours, ...

Minute:       m, M, Min, minute, Minutes, ...

Second:       s, S, sec, Secs, second, Seconds, ...

MilliSecond:  ms, Msec, mSecs, milliSecond, MilliSecond, ...

numbers with no unit are considered as microseconds. specifying accurate: is equivalent to using accurate_new.

pub fn scale_down(value: Duration, factor: Int) -> Duration
pub fn scale_up(value: Duration, factor: Int) -> Duration
pub fn seconds(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn subtract(a: Duration, b: Duration) -> Duration
pub fn weeks(value: Int) -> Duration
pub fn years(value: Int) -> Duration
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