View Source BitcoinLib.Key.HD.Hmac (BitcoinLib v0.4.7)

Computes HMAC on either a public or a private key in the aim of computing a child key

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Computes HMAC on either a public or a private key in the aim of computing a child key

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compute(private_key, index, hardened? \\ false)

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Computes HMAC on either a public or a private key in the aim of computing a child key



iex> %BitcoinLib.Key.PrivateKey {
...>   key: <<0xE8F32E723DECF4051AEFAC8E2C93C9C5B214313817CDB01A1494B917C8436B35::256>>,
...>   chain_code: <<0x873DFF81C02F525623FD1FE5167EAC3A55A049DE3D314BB42EE227FFED37D508::256>>
...> }
...> |> BitcoinLib.Key.HD.Hmac.compute(0)