Bling.Subscriptions (bling v0.4.1)

Module to interact with Bling subscriptions. Most functions expect the ecto subscription struct as the first argument, and will return the updated subscription with subscription items preloaded.

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Returns whether the provided subscription is active, which is if it has not ended, and it has a valid status.

Adds prices to an existing subscription. Returns the subscription with the items loaded.

Fetches the stripe subscription object from a database subscription.

Cancels the subscription in stripe and updates the model. Cancellation is scheduled for the end of the period.

Cancels a subscription at a specific time.

Cancels and ends the subscription immediately.

Cancels, ends, and invoices for the subscription immediately. Forwards any stripe options to Bling.Subscriptions.cancel_now/2.

Returns whether the provided subscription has been cancelled.

Changes the subscription to new prices.

Decrements the quantity of a subscription item. Defaults to decrementing the first item. Defaults to decrementing by one. Raises if trying to go below 0.

Deletes the subscription from the database as well as cancels it in stripe.

Returns whether the provided subscription has been cancelled and is no longer within its grace period.

Returns whether the provided subcription has been cancelled but has time before it ends.

Returns whether the provided subscription has multiple subscription items (prices).

Returns whether the provided subscription has only a single subscription item (price).

Increments the quantity of a subscription item. Defaults to incrementing the first item. Defaults to incrementing by one.

Returns whether the provided subscription is recurring, which is the case if it has no end date and is not on a trial.

Removes prices from a subscription. Returns the subscription with the items loaded.

Resumes a cancelled subscription. The grace period must not have ended in order for this to succeed.

Sets the quantity of a subscription item. Defaults to setting the first item. Defaults to setting to one.

Turns an array of stripe subscription items into database subscription structs. Meant for internal use.

Returns all of the database subscription items for a subscription.

Turns a stripe subscription object into a database subscription without committing it. Meant for internal use.

Returns whether the provided subscription is on a trial that hasn't expired.

Returns whether the provided subscription is valid, which is the case if any of the following checks are true

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Returns whether the provided subscription is active, which is if it has not ended, and it has a valid status.

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add_prices(subscription, opts)

Adds prices to an existing subscription. Returns the subscription with the items loaded.



add_prices(subscription, prices: [{price_id, quantity}])
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Fetches the stripe subscription object from a database subscription.

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cancel(subscription, opts \\ [])

Cancels the subscription in stripe and updates the model. Cancellation is scheduled for the end of the period.

If the user is on a trial, they will have until the end of their trial.



subscription = cancel(subscription)

# can pass any valid Stripe.Subscription.update/2 params
subscription = cancel(subscription, stripe: %{ prorate: false })
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cancel_at(subscription, datetime, opts \\ [])

Cancels a subscription at a specific time.



subscription = cancel_at(subscription, DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(30, :day))

# can pass any valid Stripe.Subscription.update/2 params
subscription = cancel_at(subscription, DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(30, :day), stripe: %{ prorate: false })
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cancel_now(subscription, opts \\ [])

Cancels and ends the subscription immediately.



subscription = cancel_now(subscription)

# can pass any valid Stripe.Subscription.delete/2 params
subscription = cancel_now(subscription, stripe: %{ invoice_now: true })
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cancel_now_and_invoice(subscription, opts \\ [])

Cancels, ends, and invoices for the subscription immediately. Forwards any stripe options to Bling.Subscriptions.cancel_now/2.

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Returns whether the provided subscription has been cancelled.

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change_prices(subscription, opts \\ [])

Changes the subscription to new prices.



change_prices(sub, prices: [{price_id, quantity}])
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decrement(subscription, opts \\ [])

Decrements the quantity of a subscription item. Defaults to decrementing the first item. Defaults to decrementing by one. Raises if trying to go below 0.

## Examples

  # this would update the first subscription item's quantity by one
  # useful for single price subscriptions
  subscription = decrement(subscription)

  # you can also specify a price and quantity to decrement by
  subscription = decrement(subscription, price_id: "price_123", quantity: 2)

  # can pass any valid Stripe.SubscriptionItem.update/2 params
  subscription = decrement(subscription, stripe: %{ prorate: false })
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delete(subscription, opts \\ [])

Deletes the subscription from the database as well as cancels it in stripe.



subscription = delete(subscription)

# can pass any valid Stripe.Subscription.delete/2 params
subscription = delete(subscription, stripe: %{ invoice_now: true })
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Returns whether the provided subscription has been cancelled and is no longer within its grace period.

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Returns whether the provided subcription has been cancelled but has time before it ends.

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Returns whether the provided subscription has multiple subscription items (prices).

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Returns whether the provided subscription has only a single subscription item (price).

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increment(subscription, opts \\ [])

Increments the quantity of a subscription item. Defaults to incrementing the first item. Defaults to incrementing by one.



# this would update the first subscription item's quantity by one
# useful for single price subscriptions
subscription = increment(subscription)

# you can also specify a price and quantity to increment by
subscription = increment(subscription, price_id: "price_123", quantity: 2)

# can pass any valid Stripe.SubscriptionItem.update/2 params
subscription = increment(subscription, stripe: %{ prorate: false })
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Returns whether the provided subscription is recurring, which is the case if it has no end date and is not on a trial.

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remove_prices(subscription, opts)

Removes prices from a subscription. Returns the subscription with the items loaded.

Raises if all prices are removed from a subscription.



remove_prices(subscription, prices: [price_id])
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resume(subscription, opts \\ [])

Resumes a cancelled subscription. The grace period must not have ended in order for this to succeed.



subscription = resume(subscription)

# can pass any valid Stripe.Subscription.update/2 params
subscription = resume(subscription, stripe: %{ prorate: false })
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set_quantity(subscription, opts \\ [])

Sets the quantity of a subscription item. Defaults to setting the first item. Defaults to setting to one.



# this would update the first subscription item's quantity to one
# useful for single price subscriptions
subscription = set_quantity(subscription)

# you can also specify a price and quantity to set to
subscription = set_quantity(subscription, price_id: "price_123", quantity: 2)

# can pass any valid Stripe.SubscriptionItem.update/2 params
subscription = set_quantity(subscription, stripe: %{ prorate: false })
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subscription_item_structs_from_stripe_items(items, db_subscription)

Turns an array of stripe subscription items into database subscription structs. Meant for internal use.



subscription =
  subscription_struct_from_stripe_subscription(MyApp.Subscriptions.Subscription, stripe_subscription)
  |> MyApp.Repo.insert()

subscription_items =
  subscription_item_structs_from_stripe_items(, subscription)
  |> Enum.each(&MyApp.Repo.insert/1)
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Returns all of the database subscription items for a subscription.

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subscription_struct_from_stripe_subscription(schema_or_subscription, event)

Turns a stripe subscription object into a database subscription without committing it. Meant for internal use.



subscription =
  subscription_struct_from_stripe_subscription(MyApp.Subscriptions.Subscription, stripe_subscription)
  |> MyApp.Repo.insert()
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Returns whether the provided subscription is on a trial that hasn't expired.

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Returns whether the provided subscription is valid, which is the case if any of the following checks are true: