Bolt.Sips v2.0.11 Bolt.Sips View Source

A Neo4j driver for Elixir providing many useful features:

  • using the Bolt protocol, the Elixir implementation - the Neo4j's newest network protocol, designed for high-performance; latest Bolt versions, are supported.
  • Can connect to a standalone Neo4j server (:direct mode) or to a Neo4j causal cluster, using the bolt+routing or the newer neo4j schemes; connecting in :routing mode.
  • Provides the user with the ability to create and manage distinct ad-hoc role-based connections to one or more Neo4j servers/databases
  • Supports transactions, simple and complex Cypher queries with or w/o parameters
  • Multi-tenancy
  • Supports Neo4j versions: 3.0.x/3.1.x/3.2.x/3.4.x/3.5.x

To start, add the :bolt_sips dependency to you project, run mix do deps.get, compile on it and then you can quickly start experimenting with Neo4j from the convenience of your IEx shell. Example:

iex» {:ok, _neo} = Bolt.Sips.start_link(url: "bolt://neo4j:test@localhost")
{:ok, #PID<0.250.0>}
iex»   conn = Bolt.Sips.conn()
iex» Bolt.Sips.query!(conn, "RETURN 1 as n")
  records: [[1]],
  results: [%{"n" => 1}]

the example above presumes that you have a Neo4j server available locally, using the Bolt protocol and requiring authentication.

Link to this section Summary


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Returns a pool name which can be used to acquire a connection from a pool of servers responsible with a specific type of operations: read, write and route, or all of the above: "direct"

peek into the main Router state, and return the internal state controlling the connections to the server/server. Mostly for internal use or for helping driver developers.

sends the query (and its parameters) to the server and returns {:ok, Response.t()} or {:error, Error} otherwise

send a query and an associated map of parameters. Returns the server response or an error

send a query and an associated map of parameters with options. Returns the server response or an error The opts keyword list will be passed to DbConnection.execute/4. By default, the query will timeout after 15_000 milliseconds, this may be overriden by setting the timeout option in opts.

The same as query/2 but raises a Exception if it fails. Returns the server response otherwise.

The same as query/3 but raises a Exception if it fails.

The same as query/4 but raises a Exception if it fails.

the registry name used across the various driver components

Rollback a database transaction and release lock on connection.

extract the routing table from the router

Start or add a new Neo4j connection

terminate a pool of connections with the role specified

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

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conn(role \\ :direct, opts \\ [prefix: :default])

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conn(atom(), keyword()) :: conn()

Returns a pool name which can be used to acquire a connection from a pool of servers responsible with a specific type of operations: read, write and route, or all of the above: "direct"

peek into the main Router state, and return the internal state controlling the connections to the server/server. Mostly for internal use or for helping driver developers.

The authentication credentials will be sanitized, if any


iex> %{default: %{connections: %{direct: %{"localhost:7687" => 0}, routing_query: nil, zorba: %{"localhost:7687" => 0}}, user_options: [basic_auth: [username: "**", password: "**"], socket: Bolt.Sips.Socket, port: 7687, routing_context: %{}, schema: "bolt", hostname: "localhost", timeout: 15000, ssl: false, with_etls: false, prefix: :default, url: "bolt://localhost", pool_size: 10, max_overflow: 2, role: :zorba]}}

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query(conn, statement)

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query(conn(), String.t()) ::
  {:ok, Bolt.Sips.Response.t() | [Bolt.Sips.Response.t()]}
  | {:error, Bolt.Sips.Error.t()}

sends the query (and its parameters) to the server and returns {:ok, Response.t()} or {:error, Error} otherwise

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query(conn, statement, params)

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query(conn(), String.t(), map()) ::
  {:ok, Bolt.Sips.Response.t() | [Bolt.Sips.Response.t()]}
  | {:error, Bolt.Sips.Error.t()}

send a query and an associated map of parameters. Returns the server response or an error

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query(conn, statement, params, opts)

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query(conn(), String.t(), map(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Bolt.Sips.Response.t() | [Bolt.Sips.Response.t()]}
  | {:error, Bolt.Sips.Error.t()}

send a query and an associated map of parameters with options. Returns the server response or an error The opts keyword list will be passed to DbConnection.execute/4. By default, the query will timeout after 15_000 milliseconds, this may be overriden by setting the timeout option in opts.

The same as query/2 but raises a Exception if it fails. Returns the server response otherwise.

The same as query/3 but raises a Exception if it fails.

The same as query/4 but raises a Exception if it fails.

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registry_name() :: :bolt_sips_registry

the registry name used across the various driver components

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rollback(conn, opts)

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rollback(DBConnection.t(), reason :: any()) :: no_return()

Rollback a database transaction and release lock on connection.

When inside of a transaction/3 call does a non-local return, using a throw/1 to cause the transaction to enter a failed state and the transaction/3 call returns {:error, reason}. If transaction/3 calls are nested the connection is marked as failed until the outermost transaction call does the database rollback.


{:error, :oops} = Bolt.Sips.transaction(pool, fn(conn) ->
  Bolt.Sips.rollback(conn, :oops)
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routing_table(prefix \\ :default)

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routing_table(any()) :: map()

extract the routing table from the router

Start or add a new Neo4j connection


  • :url- a full url to pointing to a running Neo4j server. Please remember you must specify the scheme used to connect to the server. Valid schemes:bolt,bolt+routingandneo4j - the last two being used for connecting to a Neo4j causal cluster.
  • :pool_size - the size of the connection pool. Default: 15
  • :timeout - a connection timeout value defined in milliseconds. Default: 15_000
  • :ssl-true, if the connection must be encrypted. Default:false
  • :prefix- used for differentiating between multiple connections available in the same app. Default::default

Example of valid configurations (i.e. defined in config/dev.exs) and usage:

This is the most basic configuration:

config :bolt_sips, Bolt,
  url: "bolt://localhost:7687"

and if you need to connect to remote servers:

config :bolt_sips, Bolt,
  url: "bolt://",
  ssl: true,
  timeout: 15_000,

Example with a configuration defined in the config/dev.exs:

opts = Application.get_env(:bolt_sips, Bolt)
{:ok, pid} = Bolt.Sips.start_link(opts)

Bolt.Sips.query!(pid, "CREATE (a:Person {name:'Bob'})")
Bolt.Sips.query!(pid, "MATCH (a:Person) RETURN AS name")

Or defining an ad-hoc configuration:

Example with a configuration defined in the config/dev.exs:

{:ok, _neo} = Bolt.Sips.start_link(url: "bolt://neo4j:test@localhost")

conn = Bolt.Sips.conn()
Bolt.Sips.query!(conn, "return 1 as n")
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terminate a pool of connections with the role specified

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transaction(conn, fun, opts \\ [])

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  setup do
    {:ok, [main_conn: Bolt.Sips.conn()]}

  test "execute statements in transaction", %{main_conn: main_conn} do
    Bolt.Sips.transaction(main_conn, fn conn ->
      book =
        Bolt.Sips.query!(conn, "CREATE (b:Book {title: "The Game Of Trolls"}) return b")
        |> Response.first()

      assert %{"b" => g_o_t} = book
      assert["title"] == "The Game Of Trolls"
      Bolt.Sips.rollback(conn, :changed_my_mind)

    books = Bolt.Sips.query!(main_conn, "MATCH (b:Book {title: "The Game Of Trolls"}) return b")
    assert Enum.count(books) == 0