
Provides macros to define a listener and its callbacks. See the example below

defmodule TestListener do
  use Boltun, otp_app: :my_app

  listen do
    channel "my_channel", :my_callback
    channel "my_channel", :my_other_callback
    channel "my_other_channel", :my_other_callback

  def my_callback(channel, payload) do
    IO.puts channel
    IO.puts payload


channel(channel, function, args \\ [])

Defines a callback for the given channel, function and optional arguments. The callback must be defined in the same module using this macro

channel(channel, module, function, args)

Defines a callback for the given channel, module, function and arguments


Defines the listener and its callbacks. Multiple callbacks per channel are supported and they will be invoked in in the order in which they appear in this block


channel(channel, function, args \\ [])

Defines a callback for the given channel, function and optional arguments. The callback must be defined in the same module using this macro.

channel(channel, module, function, args)

Defines a callback for the given channel, module, function and arguments.


Defines the listener and its callbacks. Multiple callbacks per channel are supported and they will be invoked in in the order in which they appear in this block