View Source Bonny.API.Version behaviour (bonny v1.4.0)

Describes an API version of a custom resource.

The %Bonny.API.Version{} struct contains the fields required to build the manifest for this version.

This module is meant to be used by a module representing the API version of a custom resource. The using module has to define the function manifest/0.

The macro defaults/1 is imported to the using module. It can be used to simplify getting started. The first argument is the version's name (e.g. "v1"). If no name is passed, The macro will use the using module's name as the version name.

Note: The :storage flag has to be true for exactly one version of a CRD.

defmodule MyOperator.API.V1.CronTab do
  use Bonny.API.Version

  def manifest() do
    struct!(defaults(), storage: true)

Use the manifest/0 callback to override the defaults, e.g. add a schema. Pipe your struct into add_observed_generation_status/1 - which is imported into the using module - if you use the Bonny.Pluggable.SkipObservedGenerations step in your controller

defmodule MyOperator.API.V1.CronTab do
  use Bonny.API.Version

  def manifest() do
      storage: true,
      schema: %{
        openAPIV3Schema: %{
          type: :object,
          properties: %{
            spec: %{



Defines a version of a custom resource. Refer to the CRD versioning documentation



Return a %Bonny.API.Version{} struct representing the manifest for this version of the CRD API.


Adds the status subresource if it hasn't been added before and adds the schema for the .status.conditions array.

Adds the status subresource if it hasn't been added before and adds a field .status.observedGeneration of type integer to the OpenAPIV3Schema.

Returns a Bonny.API.Version struct with default values. Use this and pipe it into struct!() to override the defaults in your manifest/0 callback.


@type printer_column_t() :: %{
  :name => String.t(),
  :type => String.t() | atom(),
  optional(:description) => String.t(),
  jsonPath: String.t()

Defines an additional printer column.

@type schema_t() :: %{
  schema: %{
    openAPIV3Schema: %{
      :type =>
        :array | :boolean | :date | :integer | :number | :object | :string,
      :description => binary(),
      optional(:format) =>
        | :int64
        | :float
        | :double
        | :byte
        | :date
        | :"date-time"
        | :password,
      optional(:properties) => %{required(atom() | binary()) => schema_t()},
      optional(:additionalProperties) => schema_t() | boolean(),
      optional(:items) => schema_t(),
      optional(:"x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields") => boolean(),
      optional(:"x-kubernetes-int-or-string") => boolean(),
      optional(:"x-kubernetes-embedded-resource") => boolean(),
      optional(:"x-kubernetes-validations") => [
        %{:rule => binary(), optional(:message) => binary()}
      optional(:pattern) => binary(),
      optional(:anyOf) => schema_t(),
      optional(:allOf) => schema_t(),
      optional(:oneOf) => schema_t(),
      optional(:not) => schema_t(),
      optional(:nullable) => boolean(),
      optional(:default) => any()

Defines an OpenAPI V3 Schema.

The typespec might be incomplete. Please open a PR with your additions and links to the relevant documentation, thanks.

@type subresources_t() :: %{
  optional(:status) => %{},
  optional(:scale) => %{
    specReplicasPath: binary(),
    statusReplicasPath: binary(),
    labelSelectorPath: binary()

Defines a version of a custom resource. Refer to the CRD versioning documentation

@type t() :: %Bonny.API.Version{
  additionalPrinterColumns: [printer_column_t()],
  deprecated: boolean(),
  deprecationWarning: nil | binary(),
  name: binary(),
  schema: schema_t(),
  served: boolean(),
  storage: boolean(),
  subresources: subresources_t()


@callback manifest() :: t()

Return a %Bonny.API.Version{} struct representing the manifest for this version of the CRD API.


@spec add_conditions(t()) :: t()

Adds the status subresource if it hasn't been added before and adds the schema for the .status.conditions array.


iex> %Bonny.API.Version{}
...> |> Bonny.API.Version.add_conditions()
...> |> Map.take([:subresources, :schema])
  subresources: %{status: %{}},
  schema: %{
    openAPIV3Schema: %{
      type: :object,
      properties: %{
        status: %{
          type: :object,
          properties: %{
            conditions: %{
              type: :array,
              items: %{
                type: :object,
                properties: %{
                  type: %{type: :string},
                  status: %{type: :string, enum: ["True", "False"]},
                  message: %{type: :string},
                  lastTransitionTime: %{type: :string, format: :"date-time"},
                  lastHeartbeatTime: %{type: :string, format: :"date-time"}
      "x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields": true,
Link to this function


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@spec add_observed_generation_status(t()) :: t()

Adds the status subresource if it hasn't been added before and adds a field .status.observedGeneration of type integer to the OpenAPIV3Schema.


iex> %Bonny.API.Version{}
...> |> Bonny.API.Version.add_observed_generation_status()
...> |> Map.take([:subresources, :schema])
  subresources: %{status: %{}},
  schema: %{
    openAPIV3Schema: %{
      type: :object,
      properties: %{
        status: %{
          type: :object,
          properties: %{
            observedGeneration: %{type: :integer}
      "x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields": true,

Returns a Bonny.API.Version struct with default values. Use this and pipe it into struct!() to override the defaults in your manifest/0 callback.