View Source Bonny.Axn (bonny v1.4.0)

Describes a resource action event.

This is the token passed to all steps of your operator and controller pipeline.

This module gets imported to your controllers where you should use the functions register_descendant/3, update_status/2 and the ones to register events: success_event/2, failure_event/2 and/or register_event/6. Note that these functions raise exceptions if those resources have already been applied to the cluster.

The register_before_* functions can be used in Pluggable steps in order to register callbacks that are called before applying resources to the cluster. Have a look at Bonny.Pluggable.Logger for a use case.

Action event fields

These fields contain information on the action event that occurred.

  • action - the action that triggered this event
  • resource - the resource the action was applied to
  • conn - the connection to the cluster the event occurred
  • operator - the operator that discovered and dispatched the event
  • controller - the controller handling the event and its init opts

Reaction fields

  • descendants - descending resources defined by the handling controller
  • status - the data to be applied to the status subresource
  • events - Kubernetes events regarding the resource to be applied to the cluster

Pipeline fields

  • halted - the boolean status on whether the pipeline was halted
  • assigns - shared user data as a map
  • private - shared library data as a map
  • states - The states for status, events and descendants



Applies the dependants to the cluster in groups. If :create_events is true, will create an event for each successful apply. Always creates events upon failed applies.

Applies the status to the resource's status subresource in the cluster. If no status was specified, :noop is returned.

Empties the list of events without emitting them.

Emits the events created for this Axn.

Registers a failure event to the %Axn{} token to be emitted by Bonny.

Returns an identifier of an action event (resource and action) as tuple. Can be used in logs and similar.

Registers a callback to be invoked at the very end of an action event's processing by the operator.

Registers a callback to be invoked before descendants are applied to the cluster.

Registers a callback to be invoked before a status is applied to the status subresource.

Registers a callback to be invoked before events are emitted to the cluster.

Registers a decending object to be applied. Owner reference will be added automatically. unless disabled through the option omit_owner_ref.

Registers a Kubernetes event to the %Axn{} token to be emitted by Bonny.

Sets the condition in the resource status.

Registers a asuccess event to the %Axn{} token to be emitted by Bonny.

Executes fun for the resource status and applies the new status subresource. This can be called multiple times.


@type assigns() :: %{optional(atom()) => any()}
@type states() :: integer()
@type t() :: %Bonny.Axn{
  action: :add | :modify | :reconcile | :delete,
  assigns: assigns(),
  conn: K8s.Conn.t(),
  controller: {controller :: module(), init_opts :: keyword()} | nil,
  descendants: %{
    required({name :: binary(), namespace :: binary()}) =>
      {integer(), Bonny.Resource.t()}
  events: [Bonny.Event.t()],
  halted: boolean(),
  operator: module() | nil,
  private: assigns(),
  resource: Bonny.Resource.t(),
  states: states(),
  status: map() | nil


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apply_descendants(axn, opts \\ [])

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@spec apply_descendants(t(), Keyword.t()) :: t()

Applies the dependants to the cluster in groups. If :create_events is true, will create an event for each successful apply. Always creates events upon failed applies.


:create_events - Whether events should be created upon success. Defaults to true

All further options are passed to K8s.Client.apply/2

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apply_status(axn, apply_opts \\ [])

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@spec apply_status(t(), Keyword.t()) :: t()

Applies the status to the resource's status subresource in the cluster. If no status was specified, :noop is returned.

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@spec clear_events(t()) :: t()

Empties the list of events without emitting them.

@spec emit_events(t()) :: t()

Emits the events created for this Axn.

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failure_event(axn, opts \\ [])

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@spec failure_event(t(), Keyword.t()) :: t()

Registers a failure event to the %Axn{} token to be emitted by Bonny.

@spec identifier(t()) ::
  {namespace_name :: binary(), api_version :: binary(), kind_action :: binary()}

Returns an identifier of an action event (resource and action) as tuple. Can be used in logs and similar.

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@spec new!(Keyword.t()) :: t()
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register_after_processed(axn, callback)

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@spec register_after_processed(t(), (t() -> t())) :: t()

Registers a callback to be invoked at the very end of an action event's processing by the operator.

Callbacks are invoked in the reverse order they are defined (callbacks defined first are invoked last).


To log a message after the an event was processed by the operator:

Bonny.Axn.register_after_processed(axn, fn axn ->"done")
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register_before_apply_descendants(axn, callback)

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@spec register_before_apply_descendants(
  ([Bonny.Resource.t()], t() -> [Bonny.Resource.t()])
) :: t()

Registers a callback to be invoked before descendants are applied to the cluster.

Callbacks are invoked in the reverse order they are defined (callbacks defined first are invoked last).


To log a message:

require Logger
Bonny.Axn.register_before_apply_status(axn, fn descendants, axn ->
  Enum.each(descendants, &"Descending #{&1["kind"]} named #{&1["name"]} is applied to namespace #{&1["metadata"]["namespace"]}"))
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register_before_apply_status(axn, callback)

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@spec register_before_apply_status(
  (Bonny.Resource.t(), t() -> Bonny.Resource.t())
) :: t()

Registers a callback to be invoked before a status is applied to the status subresource.

Callbacks are invoked in the reverse order they are defined (callbacks defined first are invoked last).


To log a message for the status being applied:

require Logger
Bonny.Axn.register_before_apply_status(axn, fn resource, axn ->"Status of the #{resource["kind"]} named #{resource["metadata"]["name"]} is applied to namespace #{resource["metadata"]["namespace"]}")
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register_before_emit_event(axn, callback)

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@spec register_before_emit_event(t(), (Bonny.Event.t(), t() -> Bonny.Event.t())) ::

Registers a callback to be invoked before events are emitted to the cluster.

Callbacks are invoked in the reverse order they are defined (callbacks defined first are invoked last).


To log a message:

require Logger
Bonny.Axn.register_before_apply_status(axn, fn events, axn ->"Event of type #{event.event_type} is emitted")
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register_descendant(axn, descendant, opts \\ [])

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@spec register_descendant(t(), Bonny.Resource.t(), Keyword.t()) :: t()

Registers a decending object to be applied. Owner reference will be added automatically. unless disabled through the option omit_owner_ref.

If you need some resources to be applied before others, use the group option to indicate which group a resourceis added. Groups are applied in ascending order. Resources within a group are applied simultaneously.


  • omit_owner_ref - when true, adding the owner reference is omitted. Default: false
  • group - Integer (posittive or negative). Controls the order in which descendants are applied to the cluster. Default: 0


The following code registers a namespace and a pod as descendants. The namespace is assigned to group -1 as it needs to exist when the pod is created within it. With omit_owner_ref: true, we indicate that no owner reference is created for the namespace.

ns = %{
  "apiVersion" => "v1",
  "kind" => "namespace",
  "metadata" => %{"name" => "my_ns"}
pod = %{
  "apiVersion" => "v1",
  "kind" => "pod",
  "metadata" => %{"namespace" => "my_ns", "name" => "my_pod"},

|> Bonny.Axn.register_descendant(resource, ns, group: -1, omit_owner_ref: true)
|> Bonny.Axn.register_descendant(resource, pod)
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register_event(axn, related \\ nil, event_type, reason, action, message)

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@spec register_event(
  Bonny.Resource.t() | nil,
) :: t()

Registers a Kubernetes event to the %Axn{} token to be emitted by Bonny.

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set_condition(axn, type, status, message \\ nil)

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@spec set_condition(
  axn :: t(),
  type :: binary(),
  status :: boolean(),
  message :: binary() | nil
) :: t()

Sets the condition in the resource status.

The field .status.conditions, if configured in the CRD, nolds a list of conditions, their status with a message and two timestamps. On the resource this could look something like this (taken from a Pod):

kind: Pod
    - lastTransitionTime: "2019-10-22T16:29:24Z"
      status: "True"
      type: PodScheduled
    - lastTransitionTime: "2019-10-22T16:29:24Z"
      status: "True"
      type: Initialized
    - lastTransitionTime: "2019-10-22T16:29:31Z"
      status: "True"
      type: ContainersReady
    - lastTransitionTime: "2019-10-22T16:29:31Z"
      status: "True"
      type: Ready
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success_event(axn, opts \\ [])

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@spec success_event(t(), Keyword.t()) :: t()

Registers a asuccess event to the %Axn{} token to be emitted by Bonny.

@spec update_status(t(), (map() -> map())) :: t()

Executes fun for the resource status and applies the new status subresource. This can be called multiple times.

fun should be a function of arity 1. It will be passed the current status object and expected to return the updated one.

If no current status exists, an empty map is passed to fun