View Source Pluggable behaviour (pluggable v1.0.1)

The step specification.

There are two kind of steps: function steps and module steps.

Function steps

A function step is any function that receives a token and a set of options and returns a token. Its type signature must be:

(Pluggable.Token.t, Pluggable.opts) :: Pluggable.Token.t

Module steps

A module step is an extension of the function step. It is a module that must export:

  • a call/2 function with the signature defined above
  • an init/1 function which takes a set of options and initializes it.

The result returned by init/1 is passed as second argument to call/2. Note that init/1 may be called during compilation and as such it must not return pids, ports or values that are specific to the runtime.

The API expected by a module step is defined as a behaviour by the Pluggable module (this module).



Here's an example of a function step:

def json_header_step(token, _opts) do
  My.Token.put_data(token, "some_data")

Here's an example of a module step:

defmodule PutSomeData do
  def init(opts) do

  def call(token, _opts) do
    My.Token.put_data(token, "some_data")


The Pluggable Step pipeline

The Pluggable.StepBuilder module provides conveniences for building pluggable step pipelines.

Link to this section Summary


Run a series of pluggable steps at runtime.

Link to this section Types

@type opts() ::
  | tuple()
  | atom()
  | integer()
  | float()
  | [opts()]
  | %{optional(opts()) => opts()}
  | MapSet.t()

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback call(token :: Pluggable.Token.t(), opts()) :: Pluggable.Token.t()
@callback init(opts()) :: opts()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

run(token, steps, opts \\ [])

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Run a series of pluggable steps at runtime.

The steps given here can be either a tuple, representing a module step and their options, or a simple function that receives a token and returns a token.

If any of the steps halt, the remaining steps are not invoked. If the given token was already halted, none of the steps are invoked either.

While Pluggable.StepBuilder works at compile-time, this is a straight-forward alternative that works at runtime.


Examples, [{My.Step, []}, &IO.inspect/1])



  • :log_on_halt - a log level to be used if a pipeline halts