View Source Bonny.Pluggable.AddMissingGVK (bonny v1.4.0)

The Kubernetes API sometimes doesn't set the fields apiVersion and kind on items of a list operation. E.g. if you use K8s.Client to get a list of deployments, the deployments won't contains those two fields. This is being discussed on

Bonny sometimes depends on apiVersion and kind to be defined on the resource being handled. This is the case for setting the status, e.g. when using Bonny.Pluggable.SkipObservedGenerations or Bonny.Axn.update_status/2.

Add this step to your controller in order to set those values on all resources being handled.


step Bonny.Pluggable.AddMissingGVK,
  apiVersion: "apps/v1",
  kind: "Deployment"