bot_army v1.0.0 BotArmy.Bot behaviour View Source

A "live" bot that can perform actions described by a behavior tree (BehaviorTree.Node).

Bots are just GenServers that continuously tick through the provided behavior tree until they die or get an outcome of :done.

Each bot has a "bag of state" called the "context" (sometimes called a "blackboard" in behaviour tree terminology), which is used to pass values between actions.

Bots ingest actions (the leaf nodes of the tree) in the form of MFA tuples. The function will be called with the current context and any provided arguments. The function must return an outcome, and may also return key-value pairs to store/update in the context.

See the README for an example.

Accepted outcomes are: :succeed, :fail, :continue, :done or {:error, reason}. :succeed, :fail and :continue can also be in the form of {:succeed, key: "value"} if you want save/update the context.

:succeed and :fail will advance the tree via BehaviorTree, while :continue will leave the tree as it is for the next tick (this can be useful for example for attempting an action multiple times with a sleep and a "max tries" counter in the context). :done stops the bot process successfully, and {:error, reason} kills the bot process with the provided reason.

Note the following keys are reserved, and should not be overwritten: id, bt, start_time

Extending the Bot

You can use Bot exactly as it is. However, if you need to add additional functionality to your bots, you can do so.

BotArmy.Bot is actually a behaviour that you can use (use BotArmy.Bot) in a custom callback module. It has a couple of callbacks for config, logging, and lifecycle hooks (TODO). Since Bot itself uses a GenServer, you can also add GenServer callbacks, such as init, or handle_[call|cast|info] (format_status/2 is particularly useful).

For example, you may have a syncing system over websockets that updates the state in the bot's context. By extending Bot with some additional handlers, you can add this functionality.

The aforementioned "context" is just the GenServer's state, so your Actions will have access to everything there. You can set up initial state in init/1, and modify it in your handlers as necessary. If you implement init/1, the argument will be the starting state, so you can merge your state into that, but must return it. Again, please be mindful not to overwrite the following keys in the state: id, bt, start_time.

IMPORTANT - if you do extend Bot, you must set the bot param when starting a run (see the docs in the mix tasks).

Link to this section Summary


Instruct the bot to run the supplied behavior tree.

Start up a new bot using the supplied bot implementation.


Implement this callback if you want a custom way to log action outcomes. Defaults to a call to with nice meta data.

Link to this section Functions

Instruct the bot to run the supplied behavior tree.

Note, the bot will repeatedly loop through the tree unless you include an action that returns :done, at which point it will die.

Returns an error tuple if called on a bot that is already running.

Link to this function

start_link(bot_callback_module, opts \\ []) View Source

Start up a new bot using the supplied bot implementation.

Takes a keyword list of options that will be passed to the GenServer. The following keys are also used:

  • :id - [required] an identifier for this specific bot, used for logging purposes.

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

log_action_outcome(action_mfa, duration, outcome) View Source
  action_mfa :: {module(), atom(), [any()]},
  duration :: integer(),
  outcome :: atom()
) :: any()

Implement this callback if you want a custom way to log action outcomes. Defaults to a call to with nice meta data.