bot_army v1.0.0 mix bots.load_test View Source

Task to run the bots. Can call with various flags. Opens an interactive window to control the bots, and prints a nice summary at the end.

Supported arguments:

  • n number of bots, defaults to 10
  • tree - [required] The full name of the module defining the test tree (must be in scope). Must expose the function tree/0. Ex: "MyService.Workflow.Simple"
  • bot - [optional] A custom callback module implementing BotArmy.Bot, otherwise uses BotArmy.Bot.Default
  • custom - [optional] Configs for your custom domain. You must specify these in quotes as an Elixir map or keyword list (ex: --custom '[host: "dev"]'). Each key/value pair will be placed into BotArmy.SharedData for access in your actions, and other custom code.
  • disable-log-file - [optional] Disables file-based logging.
  • format-json-logs - [optional] BotArmy will output JSON-formatted log entries.

Link to this section Summary


A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args.

Link to this section Functions

A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args.

Callback implementation for