BSV.Message (BSV v2.0.0) View Source

The Message module provides functions for encrypting, decrypting, signing and verifying arbitrary messages using Bitcoin keys.

Message encryption uses the Electrum-compatible BIE1 ECIES algorithm. Message signing uses the Bitcoin Signed Message algorithm. Both alorithms are broadly supported by popular BSV libraries in other languages.


A sender encrypts the message using the recipient's PubKey. The recipient decrypts the message with their PrivKey.

iex> msg = "Secret test message"
iex> encrypted = Message.encrypt(msg, @bob_keypair.pubkey)
iex> Message.decrypt(encrypted, @bob_keypair.privkey)
{:ok, "Secret test message"}


A sender signs a message with their PrivKey. The recipient verifies the message using the sender's PubKey.

iex> msg = "Secret test message"
iex> sig = Message.sign(msg, @alice_keypair.privkey)
iex> Message.verify(sig, msg, @alice_keypair.pubkey)

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Decrypts the given message with the private key.

Encrypts the given message with the public key.

Signs the given message with the PrivKey.

Verifies the given signature against the given message using the PubKey.

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decrypt(data, privkey, opts \\ [])

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decrypt(binary(), BSV.PrivKey.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}

Decrypts the given message with the private key.


The accepted options are:

  • :encoding - Optionally decode the binary with either the :base64 or :hex encoding scheme.
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do_verify(sig, message, address)

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encrypt(message, pubkey, opts \\ [])

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encrypt(binary(), BSV.PubKey.t(), keyword()) :: binary()

Encrypts the given message with the public key.


The accepted options are:

  • :encoding - Optionally encode the binary with either the :base64 or :hex encoding scheme.
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sign(message, privkey, opts \\ [])

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sign(binary(), BSV.PrivKey.t(), keyword()) :: binary()

Signs the given message with the PrivKey.

By default signatures are returned base64 encoded. Use the encoding: :raw option to return a raw binary signature.


The accepted options are:

  • :encoding - Encode the binary with either the :base64, :hex or :raw encoding scheme.
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verify(signature, message, pubkey_or_address, opts \\ [])

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verify(binary(), binary(), BSV.PubKey.t() | BSV.Address.t(), keyword()) ::
  boolean() | {:error, term()}

Verifies the given signature against the given message using the PubKey.

By default signatures are assumed to be base64 encoded. Use the :encoding option to specify a different signature encoding.


The accepted options are:

  • :encoding - Decode the signature with either the :base64, :hex or :raw encoding scheme.