API Reference BSV v2.0.0




A Bitcoin address is a 26-35 character string beginning with the number 1, that represents the hash of a pulic key.

A block is a data structure consisting of a BSV.BlockHeader.t/0 and a list of transactions.

A block header is an 80 byte packet of information providing a summary of the BSV.Block.t/0.

A behaviour module for implementing Bitcoin transaction contracts.

Collection of helpers functions for use in BSV.Contract modules.

OP_RETURN outputs are frequently used for placing arbitrary data on-chain.

Pay to Multi Signature contract.

Pay to Public Key contract.

Pay to Public Key Hash contract.

Pay to R-Puzzle Hash contract.

The Raw Script contract provides a mechanism through which pre-built scripts can be used with the BSV.TxBuilder module.

An ExtKey is a data structure representing a Bitcoin extended key.

A collection of one-way hashing functions used frequently throughout Bitcoin.

A keypair is a data structure consisting of both a BSV.PrivKey.t/0 and its corresponding BSV.PubKey.t/0.

The MerkleProof module implements the BSV TCS Merkle proof standard.

The Message module provides functions for encrypting, decrypting, signing and verifying arbitrary messages using Bitcoin keys.

A Mnemonic is a string of words representing a large randomly generated number, making it easier for humans to store.

Module for accessing Bitcoin Script Op Codes.

An OutPoint is a data structure representing a reference to a single BSV.TxOut.t/0.

A PrivKey is a data structure representing a Bitcoin private key.

A PubKey is a data structure representing a Bitcoin public key.

Module for parsing, serialising and building Scripts.

A ScriptNum is an integer encoded as little-endian variable-length integers with the most significant bit determining the sign of the integer.

A protocol module specifying an API for parsing and serializing Binary data into Bitcoin objects.

Module for signing and verifying Bitcoin transactions.

A Tx is a data structure representing a Bitcoin transaction.

A flexible and powerful transaction building module and API.

A TxIn is a data structure representing a single input in a BSV.Tx.t/0.

A TxOut is a data structure representing a single output in a BSV.Tx.t/0.

A UTXO is a data structure representing an unspent transaction output.

Collection of shared helper functions, used frequently throughout the library.

Pure Elixir Bitcoin Script VM.

A VarInt is an integer encoded as a variable length binary value. It is a format used throughout Bitcoin to represent the length of binary data in a compact form.